
In: Psychology

1. The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) study revealed that psychological disorders are: rampant in Asian...

1. The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) study revealed that psychological disorders are:
rampant in Asian countries.
more prevalent than people believe.
virtually nonexistent.
less prevalent than many people believe.
2. Many factors contribute to why people in need of mental health treatment do not receive it. Of the following, which is NOT one of these factors?
lack of insurance
living in a city
living in a rural area
fear of being stigmatized
3. Which of the following was classified as a psychological disorder in earlier editions of the DSM but has since been removed?
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
conduct disorder
autism spectrum disorder
4. Your sister, who has recently suffered from anxiety, now tells you that she is afraid of having a panic attack when she is out in public. As a result, she is having trouble leaving her apartment. She is likely suffering from:
5. A person who feels uncomfortable around dogs can be considered to have a _____, whereas a person who suffers a panic attack in the presence of a dog can be said to have a _____.
phobia; specific phobia
specific phobia; social anxiety disorder
specific phobia; phobia
agoraphobia; phobia
6. Your friend Tom knows that you are taking a psychology class, so over lunch one day he tells you of a "bad habit" he has that has persisted for a couple of years. He says that when he gets dressed in the morning he puts on and takes off his pants at least a hundred times, because each time he puts one leg into the pants, the other leg needs to be "evened out." This behavior pattern has caused him to be late for classes and work, as well as to cause him overall distress. You suspect Tom is suffering from _____ disorder.
generalized anxiety
posttraumatic stress
7. Two _____ symptoms of major depressive disorder are helplessness and worthlessness.
8. One of the best predictors of the onset of an episode of major depressive disorder is exposure to:
a stressful event.
an intensely happy event.
poor television programming.
a seizure.
9. Miley is 5'9" and weighs 120 pounds, way under the weight she should be for her height. Few of her clothes fit her because she has lost so much weight recently. But, when she looks in the mirror, she sees an overweight person. Of the four key features involved in anorexia nervosa, Miley is experiencing:
the fear of having a panic attack if she eats.
a fear of purging any consumed food.
acceptance of her weight loss.
a distorted perception about the size of her body.
10. As compared to women, men are _____ likely to suffer from an eating disorder.
much more
slightly less
much less
11. Physiologically, the effects of anorexia are similar to the effects of starvation: basal metabolic rates _____, and blood levels of glucose, insulin, and leptin _____.
decrease; increase
increase; increase
increase; decrease
decrease; decrease
12. You incidentally notice a lot of chocolate bar wrappers hidden in the wastebasket in your dorm room. You also notice that your roommate has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately. The sound of her vomiting a lot makes you concerned that she might be sick. When you ask the school nurse about your roommate's behavior, the nurse recommends that you ask her to come in and speak with her (the nurse) because she may be suffering from:
anorexia nervosa.
bipolar disorder.
bulimia anorexia.
bulimia nervosa.
13. Inflexible and maladaptive personality traits consistent across a broad range of situations characterize a(n) _____ disorder.
14. The pattern of behavior typically associated with antisocial personality disorder is often found in children in the form of:
conduct disorder.
attention-deficit disorder.
15. One of the features MOST commonly found in borderline personality disorder is:
pathological jealousy.
angry, intense outbursts.
extreme social inhibition.
harming animals.
16. A dissociative disorder is differentiated from a dissociative experience in that dissociative disorder experiences are:
offer greater clarity about the person's spirituality.
more extreme and disrupt functioning.
less extreme but still disrupt functioning.
more extreme but do not disrupt functioning.
17. A person with dissociative identity disorder often exhibits:
periods of compulsive hand-washing.
a sudden and unexpected urge to travel away from home.
visual hallucinations.
two or more distinct identities.
18. Now known as dissociative identity disorder, this disorder used to be called:
dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue.
dissociative amnesia.
multiple personality disorder.
generalized anxiety disorder.
19. The MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is:
20. Based on research on aging men and the risks of their fathering children who might develop schizophrenia, it has been estimated that new fathers in the 45 to 49 age group are _____ likely to have offspring susceptible to schizophrenia as other men.
twice as
three times as
no more
ten times as
21. A friend of yours has been on Haldol since the age of 20 to control symptoms of schizophrenia. Given what you have learned of this disorder from your Introductory Psychology class you suspect that this medication is regulating the neurotransmitter _____ in her brain.


Expert Solution

  1. more prevalent than people believe as this is stated clearly in the report
  2. living in city as otthers can be linked to no treatment
  3. homosexuality as it has been deleted from the abnormaity and disorder list over time
  4. agoraphobia as it is bthe fear of going out in public
  5. phobia, specific phobia as phobia is the irrational fear but specific phobia occurs on witnessing particular things
  6. obsessive compulsive disorder as itssymptoms of repeating a behavior is experienced
  7. emotional as they effect you emotionally
  8. a stressful event as only this is a cause in the list
  9. a distorted perce[tion about the size of her body as thats what she sees in the mirror despite being thin she sees a fat person
  10. much less as women are more concerned about their figures
  11. increase and decrease as then only people can get thinner
  12. bulimia nervosa which involves eating a lot andd puking it out intentonally
  13. personality disorder as others have other features
  14. shyness as they dont get along in this case
  15. pathological jealousy as the others are related as symptoms include social detachment and intense hostile and aggressive acts
  16. more extreme and disrupt functioning as they are the experiences of the disorders
  17. two or more distinct identities it is difficult to understand their reactions
  18. dissociative amnesia as many a times people used to forget about their actions in one identity as soon as they entered the next identity
  19. auditory most of the time people listen absurd things
  20. twice as the risk increases with age
  21. dopaine as it is controlled by haldol and causes schizophrenia also

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