In preparing for the upcoming holiday season, Fresh Toy Company (FTC) designed a new doll called...

  1. In preparing for the upcoming holiday season, Fresh Toy Company (FTC) designed a new doll called The Dougie that teaches children how to dance. The fixed cost to produce the doll is $120,000. The variable cost, which includes material, labor, and shipping costs, is $30 per doll. During the holiday selling season, FTC will sell the dolls for $45 each. If FTC overproduces the dolls, the excess dolls will be sold in January through a distributor who has agreed to pay FTC $8 per doll. Demand for new toys during the holiday selling season is extremely uncertain. Forecasts are for expected sales of 40,000 dolls with a standard deviation of 10,000. The normal probability distribution is assumed to be a good description of the demand. FTC has tentatively decided to produce 40,000 units (the same as average demand), but it wants to conduct an analysis regarding this production quantity before finalizing the decision.

    1. Create a what-if spreadsheet model using a formula that relate the values of production quantity, demand, sales, revenue from sales, amount of surplus, revenue from sales of surplus, total cost, and net profit. What is the profit corresponding to average demand (40,000 units)?

    2. Modeling demand as a normal random variable with a mean of 40,000 and a standard deviation of 10,000, simulate the sales of the Dougie doll using a production quantity of 40,000 units. What is the estimate of the average profit associated with the production quantity of 40,000 dolls? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


      How does this compare to the profit corresponding to the average demand (as computed in part (a))?

      Average profit is
      • less than
      • more than
      • equal to
      the profit corresponding to average demand.
    3. Before making a final decision on the production quantity, management wants an analysis of a more aggressive 50,000-unit production quantity and a more conservative 30,000-unit production quantity. Run your simulation with these two production quantities. What is the mean profit associated with each? Round your answers to the nearest dollar.

      30,000-unit production quantity: $  

      50,000-unit production quantity: $  
    4. In addition to mean profit, what other factors should FTC consider in determining a production quantity?

      The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

      Compare the three production quantities (30,000, 40,000, and 50,000) using all these factors. What trade-offs occur? Round your answers to 3 decimal places.

      30,000 units:

      40,000 units:

      50,000 units:

      What is your recommendation?

      The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

In: Accounting

Summarize the history of banking in the United States.

Summarize the history of banking in the United States.

In: Finance

The following investments are available to you:                                   &n

The following investments are available to you:

                                                                                    Annual pretax yield

  • Fully-taxable bonds -   9%
  • Non-dividend paying stocks   -   7.2%
  • Tax-exempt not-for-profit bonds - 6%

The stocks are subject to a tax rate of 40% of the tax rate applicable to fully taxable bonds. This lower tax rate reflects capital gains treatment and deferral of taxation

At what tax rate are you indifferent between investing the fully taxable bonds and stocks and at what tax rate are you indifferent between investing in stocks and tax-exempt bonds?

In: Accounting

For each case listed below, give a specific diagnosis, then state the general class of disorders...

For each case listed below, give a specific diagnosis, then state the general class of disorders to which that disorder belongs (anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, drug abuse and addiction, or schizophrenia).

1. Tony sometimes seems very “wound up.” At those times, he seems full of energy, talks very rapidly, and makes very grandiose plans. (One time, he gave away all of his belongings and was planning to move to Washington, D.C., so he could advise the President.) At these times, he also seems to need almost no sleep. During other periods of time Tony seems very “down.” During these times he does not take care of himself. He seems to want to sleep all the time, and he often makes thinly veiled references to wanting to commit suicide.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

2. Greta often drinks too much, especially at parties. She has gotten two DUI tickets after leaving parties. She is also in danger of losing her job because she often misses work on Monday due to a hangover after partying on the weekend.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder_____________

3. Judith has not left her house for several months. When she tries to go out, she experiences great anxiety. She says she is afraid that if she leaves her house to go somewhere, she will not be able to get back. Before all this started, Judith seemed fairly normal except for having several episodes where, for no apparent reason, her heart started pounding, she started to sweat profusely, and she experienced all the symptoms of fear and terror. One of the reasons she is afraid to leave the house is because she is afraid she will have one of these episodes again. (Hint: there are two specific diagnoses here.)

Specific diagnosis _______________General class of disorder ____________ Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

4. Horace sleeps a lot, has great difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, and generally does not want to do anything. He has stopped seeing friends whom he used to see often, and declines all invitations to do things socially. His most common response is “I just don’t feel like it.” He looks sad all the time and does not seem to take pleasure in everyday activities. This has been going on for the past two months. Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

5. Patricia is a 44-year-old female who reports that she has periods of time where she cannot remember what she has done. She reports that after one such period, she received a telephone call from a man who claimed to have met her in a bar where she was “the life of the party.” She had also told the man her name was Priscilla. Patricia thinks that this is odd because she does not drink, and she is a rather shy and retiring person. However, the man had her correct telephone number and was able to give a good physical description of her. Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder____________

6. Marianne is a 34-year-old female showing signs of disorganized thought and flat affect. She says that she hears voices telling her to do things. She believes that her behavior is being controlled by other people and she thinks that all her former friends have formed a conspiracy and are out to get her. She also tends toward repetitive, highly ritualized behavior.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder_____________

7. Sandy feels dirty unless she bathes and changes clothes at least four times a day, and she is fastidious about the house as well. Every room is scrubbed at least twice a week and the bathroom is taken care of daily.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

8. Although he was not personally injured, Harry has had problems since the earthquake two years ago. He is listless and quarrelsome and sleeps fitfully, reliving the quake in nightmarish dreams.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

9. Frank was attending college in San Francisco during a recent earthquake. He lived in the area that was hardest hit by the quake. Frank was not home when the earthquake hit and was not injured in any way, but when he returned home, he found his building demolished and his two roommates crushed to death. Frank immediately drove himself to the airport, bought a ticket to Boston, and got on the plane. His parents found him on their doorstep in Boston the next morning. Frank remembers nothing about the earthquake and nothing about going to college in San Francisco. The last thing he remembers is being a high school student and living with his parents in Boston.

Specific diagnosis _______________ General class of disorder ____________

In: Psychology

Glad Bags produces restaurant storage containers. The company makes two sizes of containers: regular (55 gallon)...

Glad Bags produces restaurant storage containers. The company makes two sizes of containers: regular (55 gallon) and large (100 gallon). The company uses the same machinery to produce both sizes. The machinery can be run for only 2,500 hours per period. Glad can produce 20 regular containers every hour, whereas it can produce 8 large containers in the same amount of time. Fixed costs amount to $1,000,000 per period. Sales prices and variable costs are as follows:

Per Unit



Sales price



Variable costs






Total investment                                  $12,500,000

Required rate of return                                  10%

Consider each of the following INDEPENDENT scenarios:

1)      To maximize profits, how many of each size container should Glad produce? Prepare an income statement with this level of sales. What other strategies might Glad consider

In: Accounting

C++ while loop Exercise Write a program that continues to ask the user to enter any...


while loop Exercise

Write a program that continues to ask the user to enter any set of numbers, until the user enters the number -1. Then display the total sum of numbers entered and their average. (note that you need to define a counter that counts how many numbers so the average = (sum/n) where n is your counter total.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


int number, n=0, sum=0;

cout << "Enter a number to start with " << endl;

cin >> number;

while (number != -1)









return 0;


Exercise 3: For loop

Modify Exercise 2 so that the user enters only 5 numbers, and the code display the total sum and their average.

In: Computer Science

In Chapter 4 in Windows Forensic Analysis DVD Toolkit, 2nd Edition Download the RegRipper suite of...

In Chapter 4 in Windows Forensic Analysis DVD Toolkit, 2nd Edition

Download the RegRipper suite of tools at: (50 points)


(you may also download the sample hives “” for this practice), and download the RegRipper supplemental plugins at:

Find related documents on the installation and user guidance; make the practice by selecting at least eight examples of Registry analysis from page 181 to the end of chapter 4.

You may utilize the sample hive files at

Please check the path of regripper and the path of regripperplugins. Your commands may not be the same to the examples shown in the textbook (e.g., the command on page 179 C:\Perl\forencis\rr\ –r d:\cases\vista\software Plugins Dir= C:\Perl….), because you may have different directory names to hold the regripper, the plugins, and the sample hive files.

Please write down your command to execute these exercises including the paths to have regripper and the plugins, and the output (analysis results) by these commands. You may provide screen capture results to these questions.

In: Computer Science

Camarillo Manufacturing Company was established to manufacture two types of pipe fittings, XL1 and XL2. The...

Camarillo Manufacturing Company was established to manufacture two types of pipe fittings, XL1 and XL2. The manufacturing process involves molding the fittings and then smoothing them.
The firm was initially capitalized with $500,000 as an S Corporation. The firm purchased equipment for $450,000 with cash of $125,000 and a note payable of $325,000. It also acquired furniture for $120,000 with cash of $60,000 and a note payable of $60,000. Management is now preparing the master budget for the first year of operations.

Sales Budget
Management expects to meet established market prices for its pipe fittings of $50 for XL1 and $40 for XL2. Sales representatives have estimated that total sales of XL1 fittings will be 4,500 units and sales of XL2 will be 12,000 units.

Production Budget
Management has expressed a desire to have 1,000 units of XL1 and 3,000 units of XL2 in ending inventory.

Material Acquisition Budget
The firm’s industrial engineer has prepared standards that call for 0.6 pounds of material per XL1 casting and 0.4 pounds per XL2 casting. Both products require the same material. Management also desires to end the period with 2,000 pounds of material in raw materials inventory. The purchasing agent anticipates that the metal can be purchased at an average cost of $4 per pound.

Direct Labor Budget
The standards for a unit of XL1 call for 0.5 hours of direct labor in Molding and 0.3 hours in Smoothing. The standards for a unit of XL2 call for 0.4 hours in Molding and 0.2 hours in Smoothing. Management’s anticipated average cost for labor is $15 per hour.

Factory Overhead Budget
Service Department 1 handles personnel matters. The firm anticipates having 12 factory employees and expects the variable costs to operate the personnel department to average $1,000 per employee. The cost of this department is allocated to other departments on the assumption that there will be three employees in the maintenance department, five employees in the molding department, and four employees in the smoothing department. The personnel department’s fixed costs are estimated to be $15,000 and will be allocated on a lump sum basis at $3,000 to maintenance, $6,000 to molding and $6,000 to smoothing.

The maintenance department is budgeted to make 100 service calls during the period, 60 calls for the molding department and 40 calls for the smoothing department. The maintenance manager estimates that it will cost an average of $150 in variable costs per service call. The fixed costs of $14,000 are thought to benefit the two production departments equally.

The molding department is expected to incur $29,000 in variable overhead and $42,000 in fixed overhead. The smoothing department is expected to have $32,000 in variable overhead and $8,000 in fixed overhead.

Management has decided to allocated 60% of the fixed overhead cost of molding to XL1 and 40% to XL2 and split the fixed smoothing costs evenly between the two products. Variable costs will be allocated based on direct labor hours.

Selling and Administration Expenses Budget
Budgeted selling and administration expenses are $126,400. This includes sales commissions at 10% of sales or $56,400; administration salaries of $30,000; advertising of $6,000; supplies of $2,000 and interest of $32,000.

Budgeting Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Sales are presumed to be $100,000 in the first quarter; $160,000 in the second quarter; $220,000 in the third quarter and $225,000 in the fourth quarter. Seventy percent of sales will be paid for in the quarter in which they are made and thirty percent will be paid in the quarter following the sale. Production will be spread uniformly over the year. The firm will pay for materials, supplies, and labor in the quarter the cost is incurred. Utilities will be paid one month after incurred. Half the property tax is aid in the first and third quarters. The first payment for a new company is not made until the third quarter. Sales commissions are paid in the quarter a sale is made. Other selling and administration costs are incurred and paid uniformly. Finally, the firm makes note payments of $30,000 per quarter which consists of $22,000 of principal repayment and $8,000 of interest. Total Costs include depreciation of $27,000; $21,000 for equipment and $6,000 for the furniture.

Additional Information

Factory Overhead Budget Personnel Maintenance Molding Smoothing
Variable Overhead Items
Indirect Labor $6,000 $8,000 $9,000 $18,000
Supplies 4,000 3,000 19,000 8,000
Utilities 2,000 1,000 1,000 6,000
Fixed Overhead Items
Property Taxes 2,000 3,000 19,000 2,000
Utilities 5,000 2,000 11,000 5,000
Depreciation 8,000 6,000 12,000 1,000

Sales by Quarter:
1st $100,000
2nd 160,000
3rd 220,000
4th 225,000

Budgeted Selling & Administration Expenses:

Sales Commissions $70,500
Administrative Salaries 30,000
Advertising 6,000
Supplies 2,000
Interest 32,000

Prepare the following budgets:
  Factory overhead budget

In: Accounting

What are the economic and social consequences of the opioid epidemic among young people in Canada?

What are the economic and social consequences of the opioid epidemic among young people in Canada?

In: Economics

a) In order to meet the industrial and environmental demands and challenges posed by the rapidly...

a) In order to meet the industrial and environmental demands and challenges posed by the rapidly developing technological advancement, and promotion of sanity in the country, and in the world at large, it is necessary to create and develop the awareness and interest of Civil Engineering students who are to become the future middle level manpower in the Construction Industry. According to Harris et al (2006:13), quality control is “a set of activities or techniques undertaken to ensure that all quality requirements are being met”. In order to achieve this purpose, processes are monitored. Coin a comprehensive definition of quality control to this effect.

b) Civil Engineering students are introduced to the principles and importance of quality control. Effectiveness of quality control in any given company cannot be quantified by customers. The variability of quality control results often lead to the loss of competitive edge. If this is limitation, then explain.

c) Administration and site work during a contract can be divided into many important areas which require some degree of control, the ultimate responsibility for which lies with the site manager. Examine the various aspects in a building project where quality could be determined.. AN,

In: Civil Engineering

Please read and respond/add to posting: The primary ways to plan for taxes are under standard...

Please read and respond/add to posting:

The primary ways to plan for taxes are under standard deductions or itemized ones. The simpler, more commonly used method is the standard deduction, which may be seen as a catch-all, and take much less effort for the planner, as it is a a set amount (which may change periodically). The itemized selection may occasionally save the taxpayer more money, but there are more parts to it, and more things to input. I personally have always taken the standard deduction because it was the easier way to go about having my taxes done, and I don't know of anyone who regularly itemizes their return.

In: Accounting

The following information is taken from the records of XYZ Company Calculate the gross profit margin...

The following information is taken from the records of XYZ Company Calculate the gross profit margin and net profit margin using the above data, and comment on the trend you observe. COGS are $189 million in 2013 and 93 million in 2012 and 66 million in 2011 and 65 million in 2010 and 50 million in 2009 gross profit is 63 million in 2013 and 48 million in 2012 and 54 million in 2011 and 60 million in 2010 and 50 million in 2009. and net profit is :12 million in 2013 and 5 million in 2012 and 15 million in 2011 and 20 million in 2010 and 15 million in 2009

In: Finance

1.True or False. The internal growth rate of a firm is best described as the growth...

1.True or False. The internal growth rate of a firm is best described as the growth rate at which the firm can grow by using internally generated funds and issuing debt only.

2. You are getting ready to prepare pro forma statements for your business. Which one of the following are you most apt to estimate first as you begin this process?

A. Need for additional fixed assets.

B. Current fixed costs.

C. Projected sales.

D. Desired net income.

3. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. Book values should always be given precedence over market values.

B. Financial statements are frequently used as the basis for performance evaluations.

C. Reviewing financial information over time has very limited value.

D. Potential lenders place little value on financial statement information.

4. In terms of financial planning, it is as important to plan for the worst-case scenario as it is to plan to the best-case scenario.



5. Financial planning accomplishes which of the following for a firm?

I.Determination of asset requirements.

II. Development of contingency plans.

III. Establishment of priorities.

IV. Analysis of funding options.

In: Finance

Write a Java program that will add the digits of a person’s birth date to obtain...

  • Write a Java program that will add the digits of a person’s birth date to obtain a single digit to generate a numerology number.
  • Write one separate method for each of the following tasks (it goes w/o saying that you will have a main() method along with these):
    • date validating
    • date crunching

First: Get a Date

Numerology has been used since ancient times to shed light on relationships, health, and global events. Each element in a birth date is believed to possess a special numerical significance. We are going to develop our own rudimentary numerology prediction program. The first thing to do is to ask the user to enter a birth date to process.

You will need to indicate to your user that they need to enter the month, day and year in that order separated by spaces and forward slashes, which look like this: /. An example would be 12 / 25 / 2112.  The spaces must be present between the numeric and character input.

Second: Validate the Date

The important and time-consuming portion of this program is validating your input from the user. This means that you need to check to make sure the month is between 1 and 12, the day is appropriate for the month, and the year is between 1500 and 3000, inclusive.

By “the day is appropriate for the month and year”, this means that if a date of January 32nd is entered or a date of June 0th is entered, you should recognize and report that. This also means that you should check to see that if the year is a leap year, you should allow February 29th and if it's not a leap year, you should disallow February 29th .

  • Allow the user to input the entire date before you validate it.
  • You should continuously re-prompt the user for a date until a valid date is entered (you should use a 'while' loop for this).
  • If one part of the date fails (month, day, or year), re-prompt for the entire date again. Do not simply re-prompt for the offending part of the date. Output appropriate error messages for the incorrect dates. See the example runs for sample error messages.

Third: Crunch the Date

Then, you need to calculate a single digit from the birth date. For example, if your birth date is 3/19/1955 you add 3+1+9+1+9+5+5 to get 33. You would then break this apart and add 3+3 to get 6.

Once you have calculated the single-digit, PRINT it on the console (see the sample test runs).

  • You will need to be careful because it is possible to have to “fold” the number more than just once, as in the above example. For example, if the birth date was 7/5/1942, you would add up the individual digits 7+5+1+9+4+2 to get 28, then you would need to add 2 + 8 to get 10. This is still a two-digit number, and needs to be added again – 1 + 0 – to get a single-digit result of 1.
  • You can simplify the process by adding the month day and year together first (i.e., 7+5+1942, to get 1954) and then breaking down and adding that result (1+9+5+4), which results in 19, which needs to be broken down again to get 1+9 which results in 10, which then results in 1+0, or 1. You should never have to crunch a number more than 3 times and will usually only need to add the digits once.

Solution Suggestions

  • It might actually be easier to work backward solving this program, like this, checking each step as you complete it:
    • Then add the code to take a date and crunch it down to a single digit. For simply testing this code, don’t worry about validating the date or input format yet; declare three variables (for example month, date, year), read in the date to process from the user, and then output the final single-digit number.
    • Finally, add code to validate the date that you read from the keyboard before crunching it. Validation will need to include tests for the month, day, and year as well as for using forward slashes between those pieces of information.
    • Make sure that your program continuously prompts the user for a date until a valid date is entered.
    • Make sure to allow the user to enter the entire date before validating it. In other words, don't just validate the month, then validate the day and then validate the year. Allow the entire date to be entered, then validate it and output an appropriate error message, repeating input if necessary.


  • Use most of the concepts in Java that we have learned so far: if/else, while, methods.
    • arrays can be used but not required.
  • Use only the data type int for numbers in this program; there’s no need to calculate floating-point numbers.
  • Solve a moderately complex Java program using the techniques you’ve learned so far.

Points to Think About

  • Validate to make sure that the year is between 1500 and 3000, inclusive.
  • Validate to make sure that the month is between 1 and 12, inclusive.
  • Validate to make sure that the day is appropriate for the month (at least >=1 and <= 28, 29, 30 or 31 depending on which month and year it is).
  • Validate that the user uses forward slashes (/) between the month, day, and year.

In: Computer Science

8. Why choose stratified sampling? Mention two main reasons. 9. What is the difference between a...

8. Why choose stratified sampling? Mention two main reasons.

9. What is the difference between a “random” (probability) sample and a nonrandom sample?

In: Psychology