
In: Computer Science

C programming Rewrite the following function using no loops, and only tail call recursion double question5...

C programming
Rewrite the following function using no loops, and only tail call recursion

double question5  (int in)
     int i;
     int result;
     for (result = rand(), i = 0; i < in; i += 3)
         result /= i;
         result += rand();
     return result;


Expert Solution

1). ANSWER :


This program causes floating point exception


for(result = rand(),i=0;i<in;i+=3)

Initial i value is 0


It means that result = result/i that is result / 0 causes floating point exception.

If the i value is 1 then the equivalent program:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

double question5(int in) // recursive calling function


srand(time(0)); //seed random number generator

if(in<=1) // Loop runs until in greter than

return 0; // stop of recursion

return (rand()/(in-1)) + rand() + question5(in-1); // recursive calling


int main(void) {

int in=5; // Assign the value of in as 5

printf("%f",question5(in)); // calling function pass in value

return 0;



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