
In: Computer Science

Python: How would I write a function that takes a directory and a size in bytes,...

Python: How would I write a function that takes a directory and a size in bytes, and returns a list of files in the directory or below that are larger than the size.

For example, I can use this function to look for files larger than 1 Meg below my Home directory.


Expert Solution


from os import listdir

from os.path import isfile, join

from os import stat

def getLargeFiles(dirPath, data_size):

#collecting the names of those that are only files

onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(dirPath) if isfile(join(dirPath, f))]

for file in onlyfiles:

stats = stat(file)

#you can remove this line


#removing the files that are less in data_size

if stats.st_size <= data_size:


return onlyfiles

#i have 2 files : 1file 660 bytes and another 597 bytes



refer here for output and indentation

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