
In: Statistics and Probability

Problem 2 Psychologists have done several studies examining mode of delivery for textbooks, comparing comprehension after...

Problem 2

Psychologists have done several studies examining mode of delivery for textbooks, comparing comprehension after reading material from a traditional paper textbook versus various electronic devices. Dr. Hangon decided to see if he could replicate these earlier studies. He tested 13 participants in three conditions: 1) paper textbook, 2) reading from a laptop-sized screen, and 3) reading from a cell-phone sized screen. In each condition, participants read 1500 words. Order of text delivery mode was counterbalanced across participants.The dependent variable was the score on a 7-item comprenhension test. Did Dr. Hangon find any difference between the difference modes of text delivery?

Participant   paper text laptop text cellphone text
1 7 3 1
2 4 4 3
3 6 6 3
4 7 7 1
5 3 3 2
6 4 4 4
7 5 5 7
8 6 2 2
9 4 3 2
10 6 6 6
11 7 7 4
12 3 3 2
13 6 6 4

For hypothesis testing questions, use the four-step procedure outlined in class and assume α = 0.05, unless instructed to do otherwise in the problem. For all problems, provide a conclusion for each question in everyday English.

For ANOVA question(s), include a post-hoc test and an effect size calculation. For correlation questions, include a scatterplot that incorporates a regression line.

To obtain full credit, show any calculations that are required via formulas in Excel. Use the sample assignment 3 as a model.

(Please show all your work! THANKS!!!)


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