
In: Operations Management

After reviewing the material on workplace safety, as a healthcare manager, what are TWO things that...

After reviewing the material on workplace safety, as a healthcare manager, what are TWO things that "keep you up at night" or are a concern to you? How would you work to make your clinic or organization safer? What suggestions could you offer to your colleagues who are also struggling with these issues?


Expert Solution

As a Healthcare Manager, two things that will be of major concern for me are :

1) Fire and Electrical Hazards

2) Dangerous Visitors and Criminals

How to make your organization safer

In order to make my organization a safer place to work, I will do the following things.

1) Firstly, I will come to terms with reality. I simply mean that I will not presume that my workplace is already safe and secure. I will always keep in mind that any dangerous act can happen anytime. For example, my workplace might be affected by a criminal act, violence, or any natural calamity. I will also make sure that this is communicated to all employees.

2) I will be conscious of any suspicious behavior and will not hesitate to challenge it. I will spread the same awareness to other employees in the organization too.

3) I will make sure that the organization gets an expert advice with respect to workplace security. If required, I will also suggest hiring of agencies.

4) I will develop a crisis management plan with the help of the legal department and it will be documented as a manual. Moreover, I will also set up a crisis management team. I will also make sure that employees understand what all may be the crisis situation and how to deal with them.

5) I will make sure that the drills are performed either quarterly or half-yearly for each of the crisis situations. This will give the employees a hands-on experience.

6) I will ensure that all employees receive a basic self-defense and safety course.

7) I will ensure that safety systems like security personnel, alarm system, color codings, and evacuation maps are implemented in the workplace.

So, I will give the same suggestion to my colleagues who are struggling with safety issues.

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