
In: Psychology

?Description of future leadership development goals and state 2,500-2,750 words, five scholarly sources, APA format

?Description of future leadership development goals and state 2,500-2,750 words, five scholarly sources, APA format


Expert Solution

We are living in 21st century.Society are so need and interest are constantly changing in a rapid it is cleared that what kind of leaders are necessary for not only today but also tommorow.leadership is art or capablity of individual who motivated large a group of people to achieve a is utmost necessity to develop leadership qualities among every citizenship to lead various field like social, cultural, economic, industrial in effectively. Across the Global only vision and goal is future leadership development. Because a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and ofcourse shows the way to others. Leadership is capacity to make vision in the goals should be to future feadershil development for properly utilized the human resources and it is critical responsiblity for government.some ponits are highlighted here as future leadership development goal

1.ANALYTICAL THINKING: the goal should be inculcate anylitical thinking in mind among tommorow leaders.They should insist to critically exmine what is happening in our society and and how can improve the existing situation in better way.they should make capabilities to understand the present senrio of the world and to make dynamic in every aspect of changing world.

ATENTIVE TO LISTEN OTHERS: a leader should carefully pay attention to listen other opinion and give importance what they have to say . he should be open minded with whom people easily share their own problem.

3.INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT: it should be utmost to develop inspirational thought among Future leaders. It not only motivated on self to improve more and more and also chenging the life of other to a great leader to lead a great Nation.Today youth are diverted from main path of development society as well as there should be vision to inspired every individual to become a unique individual.

4.COMMUNICATIO ABILITY: The goal should develop comminication ability among leaders which helps to express their own thoughts and opinions to other in a impressive manner

5.LEDERSHIP PRESENCE:there should improve the leadership qualities like management and organization skill and develop command in own prespective .

6.COLLOBRATTION: it should be most requisite criteria that leaders should be more collobrative, enthusiastic, helpful, dedicated, passionate in welfare of other and ofcourse should be more persistent , deligent.

TIME MAMGEMENT: time management is skill for future leadership development.we have to understand the value of time and make a proper schedule to maintain time and do the best in every field to organization and manipulate the situation with in proper time.

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