
In: Electrical Engineering

Write a program that reads in characters until end of file. The program should count and...

Write a program that reads in characters until end of file. The program should count and print the number of characters, printable characters, vowels, digits, and consonants in the input. Use functions to check whether a character is a vowel, a consonant, or a printable character. Define and use macros to test if a character is a digit or a letter.


Expert Solution

close all,

clear all,


ProjectPath = pwd;

DocPath = strcat(ProjectPath,'\SampleText.txt');



fclose (fid);

[row col] = size(Text);



for r=1:row

tempCharArray = [tempCharArray Text{r},' '];















for r=1:length(tempCharArray)-1

CharArray(r) = tempCharArray(r);

if(CharArray(r) == 'A'), Count_A = Count_A+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'E'), Count_E = Count_E+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'I'), Count_I = Count_I+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'O'), Count_O = Count_O+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'U'), Count_U = Count_U+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'a'), Count_a = Count_a+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'e'), Count_e = Count_e+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'i'), Count_i = Count_i+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'o'), Count_o = Count_o+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 'u'), Count_u = Count_u+1; end


if(CharArray(r) >= 48 && CharArray(r) <= 57), Count_Numerals = Count_Numerals+1; end

if(CharArray(r) == 32), Count_Spaces = Count_Spaces+1;end
















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