
In: Computer Science

(+5) Level of a node in a binary tree is distance from root to that node....

    1. (+5) Level of a node in a binary tree is distance from root to that node. For example, level of root is 0 and levels of left and right children of the root are 1.

    Level      Max number of nodes

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. 8
    5. 16
    6. 32
    7. 64

    ..      …

    n       ??

    The maximum number of nodes on level n of a binary tree is :

    A          2^(n-1)                         B          2^n

    C          2^(n+1)                       D            2^[(n+1)//2]

    In the above answers, the operator '^' indicates power (or exponent).

    Hint: Check your answer using level 5 and 6 data

    (+30)   4. 5. 9. Worth 4 points all others 3 points

    Using the lists a and vowels as defined:

    a = [ "Euclid", "Archimedes", "Newton”, “Descartes", "Fermat", "Turing", "Euler", "Einstein", "Boole", "Fibonacci", "Nash"]
    vowels = ['A', 'a', 'E', 'e', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U','u']
    write a Python program that will

    1. Display the longest name (done #12 below )
    2. Display the shortest name
    3. Display the number of names in the list NOTE: your answer should be 11 but do NOT use the constant 11 in your output; code the size of the list using len function
    4. Display a string that consists of the first letter from each of 11 names in the list a

    Output should be the string “EANDFTEEBFN”

    See 9 in the output and consider using the + operator Must use a loop

    1. Display a string that consists of the last letter from each of 11 names in the list a

    Output should be the string “dsnstgrneih”

    See 10 in the output Must use a loop

    1. Ask the user for a letter. Display the number of times the letter appears in the list See the count function from the prior labs. For example if the user selects the character ‘F’ the output should be 2 Lowercase and uppercase are not equivalent
    2. Sort list a and display the list i.e. the first name in the list should be Archimedes; last name is Turing
    3. Sort the list in reverse order and display the list i.e. the first name should be Turing and the last Archimedes

    For 7 and 8 use sort() and reverse() functions as needed

    1. Display the number of vowels using the vowels list in the list a (in operator may be useful) See the variable vowels in the code
    2. Add your last name to the list and display the list in sorted order (your last name should be in the list


    Expert Solution

    Thanks for the question, here are the code for all the sub parts with comments


    a = [ "Euclid", "Archimedes", "Newton", "Descartes", "Fermat", "Turing", "Euler", "Einstein", "Boole", "Fibonacci", "Nash"]
    vowels = ['A', 'a', 'E', 'e', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U','u']
    #1.    Display the longest name (done #12 below )
    for word in a:
        if len(longest_word)<len(word):
        if len(shortest_name)>len(word):

    #1. Longest Name
    print('Longest Name: {}'.format(longest_word))
    #2.    Display the shortest name
    print('Shortest Name: {}'.format(shortest_name))
    #3.    Display the number of names in the list
    print('Number of names: {}'.format(len(a)))
    #4.    Display a string that consists of the first letter from each of 11 names in the list a
    for word in a:
    print('Initials: {}'.format(initials))

    #5.    Display a string that consists of the last letter from each of 11 names in the list a
    for word in a:
    print('Last Letters: {}'.format(last_letters))

    #6.    Ask the user for a letter. Display the number of times the letter appears in the list
    letter = input('Enter a letter: ')
    for word in a:
    print('Letter: {} occurs {} times'.format(letter,count_occurences))

    #7.    Sort list a and display the list
    print('Sorted list',a)

    #8.    Sort the list in reverse order and display the list
    print('Reverse Sorted', a)

    #9.    Display the number of vowels using the vowels list in the list a

    for word in a:
        for vowel in vowels:
    print('There are {} vowels in the list'.format(vowels_count))

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