
In: Electrical Engineering

I want abstract about Solar Tracker System Compare it with the old type of the solar...

I want abstract about Solar Tracker System

Compare it with the old type of the solar panel


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The generation of power from the reduction of fossil fuels is the biggest challenge for the next half century. The idea of converting solar energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic panels holds its place in the front row compared to other renewable sources. But the continuous change in the relative angle of the sun with reference to the earth reduces the watts delivered by solar panel. In this context solar tracking system is the best alternative to increase

the efficiency of the photovoltaic panel. Solar trackers move the payload towards the sunthroughout the day. In this paper different types of tracking systems are reviewed and their pros

and cons are discussed in detail. The results presented in this review confirm that the azimuth and altitude dual axis tracking system is more efficient compared to other tracking systems.

However in cost and flexibility point of view single axis tracking system is more feasible than dual axis tracking system

Different types of solar tracking techniques

1)Flat plate photovoltaic panel (PV)

In flat-panel photovoltaic applications, trackers are used to minimize the angle of incidence between the incoming sunlight and a photovoltaic panel. Masakazu Ito et al. proposed a comparative study of fixed and tracking system of very large-scale PV (VLS-PV)  

systems in the world deserts. The work focused on the potential and simulation of the 100MW.Life cycle analysis is applied for the simulation. The potentials are evaluated from economic viewpoint by LCA method. The results shows that cost reduced by applying tracking system. Marcel Sur et al. [10] produced solar electricity from fixed-inclined and sun-tracking crystalline silicon (C-SI) photovoltaic modules in South Africa. The work presents a method to for estimating the energy output from fixed-mounted and sun-axis tracking flat-plate PV systems. The simulation uses the solar radiation and temperature time series representing a historical record of 18 years (1994 to 2011).The Results shows one axis tracker with vertical axis inclined 30 degrees north typically gains from 15% up to 35% more electricity, compared to fixed mounting at optimum tilt.Anyaka et al. [11] studied the Improvement of PV Systems Power Output Using Sun-Tracking Techniques. The work presented the detailed view of sun tracking systems developed over the past years. The results prove that the applicability of sun tracking system gives a diverse range of high performance solar-based applications.  

2)Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)

The optics in CPV modules accept the direct component of the incoming light to maximize the energy collected. The tracking functionality in CPV modules is used to orient the optics such that the incoming light is focused to a photovoltaic collector. Tony Kerzmann et al. studied the flow rate optimization of a linear concentrating photovoltaic system. The work focused on a two dimensional linear concentrated photovoltaic (LCPV) combined with an active cooling and waste heat recovery system. The results shows that an optimal cooling fluid flow at a rate of 4 gal/min (2.52×10−4m3/s) would produce and average of 45.9 kWh of electricity and 15.9 kWh of heat energy. Tripanagnostopoulos et al.proposed the design and performance aspects for low concentration photovoltaic. The non-uniform distribution of solar radiation on the PV surface reduces the electrical efficiency and can be rectified by combining the PV with low concentration devices. The diffuse reflectors are used instead of specular reflectors because of their low cost. The PV temperature reduction is also a factor so several modes for heat extraction are applied; using water or air cooled hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar systems. Benecke et al.developed the Optical design of low concentrator photovoltaic modules. This work addresses the necessary procedures that need to be considered when designing an optical sub-system of low concentrator photovoltaic (LCPV) module. Various design considerations are taken into account to construct a LCPV module that is characterized with respect to optical design and electrical performance. Benecke et al. implemented the design and analysis of a vertical receiver LCPV system. The work presents the design aspects of the optical and electrical subsystem of LCPV with a geometric concentration ratio of 4.6.An electrical estimation is conducted by the use of I-V (current-voltage) characteristics obtained under sun as well as under concentration.
3)Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Concentrating solar power or concentrated solar thermal systems use mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight or solar thermal energy onto a small area. Electrical power is produced when the concentrated light is converted into heat, which drives a heat engine (usually a steam turbine) connected to an electrical power generator or powers a thermo chemical reaction. Miqdam Tariq et al. studied the effect of design variation on saved energy of Concentrating Solar Power prototype. The work discussed about the methods to improve the efficiency of the concentrated solar thermal plant. El jai et al. Implemented a modified model for parabolic trough solar receiver using concentrated solar thermal energy. The work concentrates on the original mathematical model that describes the heat exchange between the main components of a thermal solar collector in an integrated solar combined cycle (ISCC) plant.
The solar plant is an integrated combined cycle thermo-solar power plant consists of 256 parabolic trough solar collectors and classified in 64 parallel loops and each loop is 618 meters long. The use of the solar tracking mechanism is to maintain the incident solar radiation perpendicular to the reflector and to the focal line of the parabola where a receiver tube contains the heat transfer fluid. The different simulation results show that both the fluid temperature and the metal tube temperature grow until reaching a certain equilibrium value.

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