In: Computer Science
Must be done in C
Write a C program found out the maximum value between the three numbers?
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#include<stdio.h> //header file
#include<conio.h> //header file should be used when clrscr(clear screen ) and getch(get character) is used in program.
void main() //main function
int a,b,c; //inputs here are a,b,c
clrscr(); //clears the previous outputs
printf("Enter the value of three numbers"); //inputs here are a,b,c
//takes in, the given inputs
//condition is true when a is greater than both b and c
printf("The maximum value is %d",a);
//prints the line if the maximum value is a
else if(b>a&&b>c)
//checks the condition if b is greater than both a and c
printf("The maximum value is %d",b);
//prints this line if maximum value is b
printf("The maximum value is %d",c);
//prints this line when both conditions fail i.e the is the maximum value is c.
getch(); //this function holds the output on screen until any key is pressed.