List three differences between RNA and DNA.
DNA. |
- Deoxyribonucleic acid
- It is located in the nucleus and in the mitochondria
- double stranded molecule
- long chain of nucleotides
- self-replicating
- base pairing occurs between G and C, A and T
- Ribonucleic acid
- located in cytoplasm, nucleus and mitochondria.
- single stranded molecule
- short chain of nucleotides
- do not replicate,they replicate from DNA
- base pairing occurs between G and C, A and U
What is the difference between Mitosis and
Mitosis |
Meiosis |
- Occurs in the somatic cells of both asexually and sexually
reproducing organisms
- DNA replication, chromosomes duplication and cell division
occur only once.
- Prophase is simple and brief.
- Synapsis,crossing over,chiasmata formation and recombination
- Is an equational division.
- Two daughter cells are formed at the end.
- Daughter cells will have the same parental chromosomal
- New gene combinations do not appear.
- Daughter cells are genetically and metabolically identical to
each other and also to the parent cell.
- Maintains genetic constancy.
- Occurs only in the germinal cells of sexually reproducing
- DNA replication and chromosome duplication occur once but cell
division occurs twice.
- Prophase 1 is complex and prolonged.
- Synapsis,crossing over,chiasmata formation and recombination
- Is a reductional division
- Four daughter cells are formed at the end.
- Daughter cells will have half the parental number of
- New gene combinations appear.
- Daughter cells are not identical to each other and also to the
parental cell.
- Creates genetic variability through new gene combinations.
What is a nonsense mutation?
Mutation that changes a codon in a gene to one of the three
termination codon (UAA,UGA ,UAG) is decribed as nonsense
mutation.It results in the shortened protein because the
translation of the mRNA stops at this termination codon.
Is DNA conservative or semiconservative?
DNA replication occurs through semi-conservative
When Watson and Crick worked out the double helical structure of
DNA in 1953, they recognized the complimentary nature of strands- A
paired with T and G paired with C.If the two strands of a parental
DNA double helix are separated and each of the parental strands
then act as template strand to synthesis a complementary
daughter strand .This model of replication , in which a parental
duplex DNA gives rise to two identical daughter duplexes DNA, each
containing one original parental strand and one new strand, which
is called as semiconservative replication.