
In: Computer Science

Please write a program in c++ The method sellProduct of the Juice Machine programming example gives...

Please write a program in c++ The method sellProduct of the Juice Machine programming example gives the user only two chances to enter enough money to buy the product. Rewrite the definition of the method sellProduct so that it keeps prompting the user to enter more money as long as the user has not entered enough money to buy the product. Also, write a program to test your method.

Your program should produce the following example output:

*** Welcome to Shelly's Juice Shop ***                               
To select an item, enter                                             
1 for orange juice (50 cents)                                        
2 for apple juice (65 cents)                                         
3 for mango juice (80 cents)                                         
4 for strawberry banana juice (85 cents)                             
9 to exit                                                            
Please deposit 80 cents                                              
Please deposit another 40 cents.                                     
Collect your item at the bottom and enjoy.                           
*** Welcome to Shelly's Juice Shop ***                               
To select an item, enter                                             
1 for orange juice (50 cents)                                        
2 for apple juice (65 cents)                                         
3 for mango juice (80 cents)                                         
4 for strawberry banana juice (85 cents)                             
9 to exit                                                            


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

//calling the method sell product
int sellProduct(int select)
    int price,temp;
    //condition to check selection
    if(select == 1)
        //for select 1 prompt to enter 50 cents
        cout << "Please deposit 50 cents\n";
        cin >> price;
        //prompt the user,untill user deposited enough money
        while(price != 50)
            cout << "Please deposit another " << 50-price<<" cents\n";
            temp = price;
            cin >> price;
            price = temp + price;
    else if(select == 2)
        //for selection 2,prompt to enter 65 cents
        cout << "Please deposit 65 cents\n";
        cin >> price;
        //prompt the user,untill user deposited enough money
        while(price != 65)
            cout << "Please deposit another " << 65-price<<" cents\n";
            temp = price;
            cin >> price;
            price = temp + price;
    else if(select == 3)
        //for selection 3,prompt to enter 80 cents
        cout << "Please deposit 80 cents\n";
        cin >> price;
        //prompt the user,untill user deposited enough money
        while(price != 80)
            cout << "Please deposit another " << 80-price<<" cents\n";
            temp = price;
            cin >> price;
            price = temp + price;
    else if(select == 4)
        //for selection 4,prompt to enter 85 cents
        cout << "Please deposit 85 cents\n";
        cin >> price;
        //prompt the user,untill user deposited enough money
        while(price != 85)
            cout << "Please deposit another " << 85-price<<" cents\n";
            temp = price;
            cin >> price;
            price = temp + price;
    else if(select == 9)
         // if user select 9,then exit the code
         cout <<"Exit";
        return -1;
        //if user enter wrong selection
          cout <<"Wrong selection\n";
          return 0;
    return 0;
int main()
    int select,price,i;
    //do- while loop doesn't check the condition in first iteration.From second iteration it checks the condition
    //loop used to prompt the user,until user want to exit
        cout << "*** Welcome to Shelly's Juice Shop ***\n";
        cout << "To select an item,enter\n";
        cout << "1 for orange juice (50 cents)\n";
        cout << "2 for apple juice (65 cents)\n";
        cout << "3 for mango juice (80 cents)\n";
        cout << "4 for strawberry banana juice (85 cents)\n";
        cout << "9 to exit\n";
        cin >> select;
        //calling the method sellproduct()
        i = sellProduct(select);
        //This condition to exit the program
        if(i== -1)
        return 0;
        cout << "Collect your item at the bottom and enjoy\n\n";
    }while(i != -1);

Continued from above picture

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