
In: Computer Science

Write a MIPS assembly program to repeatedly read two non-negative integers and print the integer product...

Write a MIPS assembly program to repeatedly read two non-negative integers and print the integer product and quotient without using the multiplication and division instructions. Each input number will be entered on a separate line. Your program will terminate when two zeroes are entered by the user. If only the second number in a pair is zero, then a divide-by-zero error message should be printed for the division operation. Use comments generously in your program. Test your program with the following sets of values:

18 6
16 5
5 11
21 4
2 16
17 2
0 10
10 0
20 5
6 6
0 0

Hand in the program with output.


Expert Solution

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Thanks for Question .

Note : check attached image for output ,code compiled and tested in MARS MIPS simulator .

Program Plan :

  1. read two number input $s0= first number $s1=second number
  2. now if second number is zero jump to dividebyzero label and check first number is also zero than exit program .
  3. if not print divide by zero message and again ask for user input .
  4. if all value are value for multipication add first number to first number second number times
  5. for divide subtract second number from first number till first number number not zero or less than second number .

Program :


   #variable declare to use in .text section
   firstNumber : .asciiz "\nEnter first non negative number : "
   secondNumber : .asciiz "Enter second non negative number : "
   divideByZero : .asciiz "divide by zero error occured.\n"
   multiply : .asciiz "multipication is of user input numbers : "
   quotient : .asciiz "\nQuotient of user input numbers : "
   exitP : .asciiz "Good bye!"

.text #data section
       #load address of number 2 in $a0 to print string   
       la $a0,firstNumber
       li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
       li $v0,5 #syscall 5 to read integer from user
       addi $s0,$v0,0 #move user input from $v0 to $s0 = $s0=$v0+0
       #load address of number 2 in $a0 to print string
       la $a0,secondNumber
       li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
       li $v0,5 #syscall 5 to read input from user
       addi $s1,$v0,0 #move user input from $v0 to $s1 = $s1=$v0+0      
       beq $s1,0,divideByZeroError #if s1==0 go to divideByZero s1 = secondnumber
       li $t0,1 #t0=1
       addi $t1,$s0,0 #t1=$s0(first number )
   multiplyLoop: #loop1 label
       bge $t0,$s1,printMultipication #if $t0>=$s1 go to printMultiply label
       add $t1,$t1,$s0 #add first number to $t1 = $t1+$s0
       addi $t0,$t0,1 #increment loop count
       j multiplyLoop #jump to loop1
   #print multiply
           #print multiply string
           la $a0,multiply
           li $v0,4 #syscall 4
           #move multipication value from $t1 to $a0
           addi $a0,$t1,0
           li $v0,1 #syscall 1 to print integer
       li $t0,0 #t0=0
       addi $t1,$s0,0 #$t1=$s0 (first number )
   divideLoop:   #loop2 label
       blt $t1,$s1,printDivide #if $t1<$s1 go to printDivide label
       sub $t1,$t1,$s1 #subtract $t1=$t1-s1
       addi $t0,$t0,1 #increment quotient
       j divideLoop
   printDivide: #print divide label
           #print divide string
           la $a0,quotient
           li $v0,4 #syscall 4
           #move quotient value from $t0 to $a0
           addi $a0,$t0,0
           li $v0,1 #syscall 1 to print integer
       j main #jump to main again

   divideByZeroError: #divide by zero
       #we already know second number is zero
       #if first number is also zero exit program and print good bye message
       beq $s0,0,exit
       #if first number not zero but second number is zero print divide by Zero message
       la $a0,divideByZero #load address of byZero string in $a0
       li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
       j main #again jump to main label to get input
   exit:#exit label
       la $a0,exitP #print good bye message
       li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
       li $v0,10 #syscall 10 to terminate program
       syscall #syscall call

Output :

Please thumbs up ,comment if any query . Be safe .

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