
In: Computer Science

).Modify the project so that records are inserted into the random access file in ascending order...

).Modify the project so that records are inserted into the random access file in ascending order using an insertion sort methodology with the Social Security Number acting as the key value. This requires defining the method compareTo() in the Personal and Student classes to be used in a modified method add() in Database. The method finds a proper position for a record d, moves all the records in the file to make room for d, and writes d into the file.

2. With the new organization of the data files. find() and modify() must also be modified. Both methods should now stop their sequential search when they encounter a record greater than the record looked for, or they reach the end of the file.

Can somebody check the compareTo() and help me out with the add() method in this question.

import java.util.Comparator;

public class Personal extends IOmethods implements DbObject, Comparable {
   protected final int nameLen = 10, cityLen = 10;
   protected String SSN, name, city;
   protected int year;
   protected long salary;
   protected final int size = 9 * 2 + nameLen * 2 + cityLen * 2 + 4 + 8;

   Personal() {

   Personal(String ssn, String n, String c, int y, long s) {
       SSN = ssn;
       name = n;
       city = c;
       year = y;
       salary = s;

   public int size() {
       return size;

   public void writeToFile(RandomAccessFile out) throws IOException {
       writeString(SSN, out);
       writeString(name, out);
       writeString(city, out);

   public void writeLegibly() {
       System.out.print("SSN = " + SSN + ", name = " + name.trim() + ", city = " + city.trim() + ", year = " + year
               + ", salary = " + salary);

   public void readFromFile(RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException {
       SSN = readString(9, in);
       name = readString(nameLen, in);
       city = readString(cityLen, in);
       year = in.readInt();
       salary = in.readLong();

   public void readKey() throws IOException {
       System.out.print("Enter SSN: ");
       SSN = readLine();

   public void readFromConsole() throws IOException {
       System.out.print("Enter SSN: ");
       SSN = readLine();
       System.out.print("Name: ");
       name = readLine();
       for (int i = name.length(); i < nameLen; i++)
           name += ' ';
       System.out.print("City: ");
       city = readLine();
       for (int i = city.length(); i < cityLen; i++)
           city += ' ';
       System.out.print("Birthyear: ");
       year = Integer.valueOf(readLine().trim()).intValue();
       System.out.print("Salary: ");
       salary = Long.valueOf(readLine().trim()).longValue();

   public void copy(DbObject[] d) {
       d[0] = new Personal(SSN, name, city, year, salary);

   // compare by ssn
   public static Comparator ssnComparator = new Comparator() {

       public int compare(Personal p1, Personal p2) {
           String ssnP1 = p1.SSN.toUpperCase();
           String ssnP2 = p2.SSN.toUpperCase();

           // ascending order
           return ssnP1.compareTo(ssnP2);


   public int compareTo(Personal o) {

       if (Integer.parseInt(this.SSN) < Integer.parseInt(o.SSN)) {

           return -1;
       } else if (Integer.parseInt(this.SSN) > Integer.parseInt(SSN)) {

           return 1;
       } else {
           return 0;



public class Student extends Personal {
public int size() {
return super.size() + majorLen*2;
protected String major;
protected final int majorLen = 10;
Student() {
Student(String ssn, String n, String c, int y, long s, String m) {
major = m;
public void writeToFile(RandomAccessFile out) throws IOException {
public void readFromFile(RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException {
major = readString(majorLen,in);
public void readFromConsole() throws IOException {
System.out.print("Enter major: ");
major = readLine();
for (int i = major.length(); i < nameLen; i++)
major += ' ';
public void writeLegibly() {
System.out.print(", major = " + major.trim());
public void copy(DbObject[] d) {
d[0] = new Student(SSN,name,city,year,salary,major);
public int compareTo() {


public interface DbObject {
   public void writeToFile(RandomAccessFile out) throws IOException;
public void readFromFile(RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException;
public void readFromConsole() throws IOException;
public void writeLegibly() throws IOException;
public void readKey() throws IOException;
public void copy(DbObject[] db);
public int size();



public class IOmethods {
public void writeString(String s, RandomAccessFile out) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
public String readString(int len, RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException {
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
s += in.readChar();
return s;
public String readLine() throws IOException {
int ch;
String s = "";
while (true) {
ch =;
if (ch == -1 || (char)ch == '\n') // end of file or end of line;
else if ((char)ch != '\r') // ignore carriage return;
s = s + (char)ch;
return s;

public class Database {
   private RandomAccessFile database;
private String fName = new String();;
private IOmethods io = new IOmethods();
Database() throws IOException {
System.out.print("File name: ");
fName = io.readLine();
private void add(DbObject d) throws IOException {
database = new RandomAccessFile(fName,"rw");;
private void modify(DbObject d) throws IOException {
DbObject[] tmp = new DbObject[1];
database = new RandomAccessFile(fName,"rw");
while (database.getFilePointer() < database.length()) {
if (tmp[0].equals(d)) {
System.out.println("The record to be modified is not in the database");
private boolean find(DbObject d) throws IOException {
DbObject[] tmp = new DbObject[1];
database = new RandomAccessFile(fName,"r");
while (database.getFilePointer() < database.length()) {
if (tmp[0].equals(d)) {
return true;
return false;
private void printDb(DbObject d) throws IOException {
database = new RandomAccessFile(fName,"r");
while (database.getFilePointer() < database.length()) {
public void run(DbObject rec) throws IOException {
String option;
System.out.println("1. Add 2. Find 3. Modify a record; 4. Exit");
System.out.print("Enter an option: ");
option = io.readLine();
while (true) {
if (option.charAt(0) == '1') {
else if (option.charAt(0) == '2') {
System.out.print("The record is ");
if (find(rec) == false)
System.out.print("not ");
System.out.println("in the database");
else if (option.charAt(0) == '3') {
else if (option.charAt(0) != '4')
System.out.println("Wrong option");
else return;
System.out.print("Enter an option: ");
option = io.readLine();


public class UseDatabase {
static public void main(String a[]) throws IOException {
// (new Database()).run(new Personal());
(new Database()).run(new Student());


Expert Solution

import java.util.Comparator;

public class Personal extends IOmethods implements DbObject, Comparable {
   protected final int nameLen = 10, cityLen = 10;
   protected String SSN, name, city;
   protected int year;
   protected long salary;
   protected final int size = 9 * 2 + nameLen * 2 + cityLen * 2 + 4 + 8;

   Personal() {

   Personal(String ssn, String n, String c, int y, long s) {
       SSN = ssn;
       name = n;
       city = c;
       year = y;
       salary = s;

   public int size() {
       return size;

   public void writeToFile(RandomAccessFile out) throws IOException {
       writeString(SSN, out);
       writeString(name, out);
       writeString(city, out);

   public void writeLegibly() {
       System.out.print("SSN = " + SSN + ", name = " + name.trim() + ", city = " + city.trim() + ", year = " + year
               + ", salary = " + salary);

   public void readFromFile(RandomAccessFile in) throws IOException {
       SSN = readString(9, in);
       name = readString(nameLen, in);
       city = readString(cityLen, in);
       year = in.readInt();
       salary = in.readLong();

   public void readKey() throws IOException {
       System.out.print("Enter SSN: ");
       SSN = readLine();

   public void readFromConsole() throws IOException {
       System.out.print("Enter SSN: ");
       SSN = readLine();
       System.out.print("Name: ");
       name = readLine();
       for (int i = name.length(); i < nameLen; i++)
           name += ' ';
       System.out.print("City: ");
       city = readLine();
       for (int i = city.length(); i < cityLen; i++)
           city += ' ';
       System.out.print("Birthyear: ");
       year = Integer.valueOf(readLine().trim()).intValue();
       System.out.print("Salary: ");
       salary = Long.valueOf(readLine().trim()).longValue();

   public void copy(DbObject[] d) {
       d[0] = new Personal(SSN, name, city, year, salary);

   // compare by ssn
   public static Comparator ssnComparator = new Comparator() {

       public int compare(Personal p1, Personal p2) {
           String ssnP1 = p1.SSN.toUpperCase();
           String ssnP2 = p2.SSN.toUpperCase();

           // ascending order
           return ssnP1.compareTo(ssnP2);



   public int compareTo(Personal o) {

// first convert the integers into i1 and i2

//use the inbuilt compareTo() in the Integer classs

   Integer i1=Integer.parseInt(this.SSN);

   Integer i2=Integer.parseInt(SSN);

   return i1.compareTo(i2);



add methods looks good in the program. Please let me know if you need any changes

Note : If you like my answer please rate and help me it is very Imp for me

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