
In: Computer Science

This is Java Programing. Add a shape of oval to BOXBALLOVAL. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import...

This is Java Programing. Add a shape of oval to BOXBALLOVAL.

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.util.Timer;

import javax.swing.*;

public class BOXBALLOVAL {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

new myframe();// creating main jframe instance



class myframe extends JFrame


   Container c;

   JPanel panel;

   JButton addbutton, removebutton;

   JLabel counter, ballsize;

   JTextField size_input;

   JComboBox cb;

   buttonListener handle;

   myDrawboard myboard;

   JFrame mainFrame;

   public myframe()


super("Your title");

c = getContentPane();

size_input = new JTextField(5);

counter = new JLabel("Count : ");

ballsize = new JLabel("Size : ");



addbutton = new JButton("Add");

removebutton = new JButton("Remove");

cb = new JComboBox();



handle = new buttonListener();



panel = new JPanel();







myboard = new myDrawboard();

c.add(myboard.panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

c.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


setSize(800, 600);



// update screen (refresh)

Timer timer = new Timer();

timer.schedule(new myTimer(), 0, 16);


   class myTimer extends TimerTask



public void run() {




   class buttonListener implements ActionListener {

int i;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action)


   if (action.getSource() == addbutton) {

if (!size_input.getText().equals("")) {



myboard.additem(Integer.parseInt(size_input.getText()), cb.getSelectedItem().toString());

counter.setText(" Count : " + myboard.countItem()+ " ");


   catch (NumberFormatException e)



JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter only number!", "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);





   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter the Object size!", "Input needed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);



   if (action.getSource() == removebutton)



counter.setText(" Count : " + myboard.countItem()+ " ");





class myDrawboard


   private static int count = 0;

   Graphics2D g2;

   MyPanel panel = new MyPanel();

   public void additem(int size, String shape)



panel.addShape(size, shape);


   public String countItem() {

return Integer.toString(count);


   public void removeBall() {

if (panel.deleteShape()) {





class MyPanel extends JPanel


   ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();

   public MyPanel()




   public void addShape(int size, String shape)


Random randomGenerator = new Random();

int x = randomGenerator.nextInt(200);

int y = randomGenerator.nextInt(200);

int R = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int G = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int B = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int vx = randomGenerator.nextInt(10)+2;

int vy = randomGenerator.nextInt(10)+2;

Color randomcolor = new Color(R, G, B);

if (shape == "Box")


   Box box = new Box();

   box.setInfo(size, x, y, randomcolor, vx, vy);



else // shape==ball


   Ball ball = new Ball();

   ball.setInfo(size, x, y, randomcolor, vx, vy);




   public boolean deleteShape()


if (myArrayList.size() > 0)


   myArrayList.remove(myArrayList.size() - 1); // remove the last one

   return true;


return false;


   public void paintComponent(Graphics g)


Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;


g2.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(), getHeight());

for (int i = 0; i < myArrayList.size(); i++)


   myArrayList.get(i).update(getWidth(), getHeight());





interface DrawObject


   void drawObject(Graphics2D g2);

   void update(int width, int height);


class Ball implements DrawObject


   private int size;

   int x;

   int y;

   int velX;

   int velY;

   private Color color;

   public void setInfo(int size, int x, int y, Color randomcolor, int vx, int vy)


this.size = size;

this.x = x;

this.y = y;

this.velX = vx;

this.velY = vy;

this.color = randomcolor;


   public void drawObject(Graphics2D g2)



g2.fillOval(x, y, size * 2, size * 2);

g2.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 50));

   // g2.drawString("cs211",x,y);



   //Ball moving

   public void update(int width, int height)


x += velX;

if(x < 0 || x > width-size*2)

velX *= -1;

y += velY;

if(y < 0 || y > height-size*2)

velY *= -1;



class Box implements DrawObject


   private int size;

   int x;

   int y;

   int velX;

   int velY;

   private Color color;

   private Rectangle square;

   public void setInfo(int size, int x, int y, Color randomcolor, int vx, int vy)


square = new Rectangle(x, y, size, size);

this.velX = vx;

this.velY = vy;

color = randomcolor;


   public void drawObject(Graphics2D g2)



g2.fillRect(square.x, square.y, square.width, square.height);


   //box moving

   public void update(int width, int height)


square.x += velX;

if(square.x < 0 || square.x > width-square.width)

velX *= -1;

square.y += velY;

if(square.y < 0 || square.y > height-square.height)

velY *= -1;




Expert Solution


import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.util.Timer;

import javax.swing.*;

class ShapeCollision {

private BOXBALL;

private frame limits;

private int w = 800;

private int h = 600;

private Boxball= New Boxball(w, h);

private Boxball= New Boxball[6];

ShapeCollision() {

img = new Boxball(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

final Jframe = new Jframe(new frameIcon(frame))

for (int i = 0; i < boxball.length; i++) {

           Boxballoval[i] = newBoxball (60 + i * 80, 40 + i * 80,i);


       limits = new frame(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h));

public class Boxball {

public static void main(String[] args) {

new myframe();// creating main jframe instance



class myframe extends JFrame


Container c;

JPanel panel;

JButton addbutton, removebutton;

JLabel counter, ballsize;

JTextField size_input;

JComboBox cb;

buttonListener handle;

myDrawboard myboard;

JFrame mainFrame;

public myframe()


super("Your title");

c = getContentPane();

size_input = new JTextField(5);

counter = new JLabel("Count : ");

ballsize = new JLabel("Size : ");



addbutton = new JButton("Add");

removebutton = new JButton("Remove");

cb = new JComboBox();



handle = new buttonListener();



panel = new JPanel();







myboard = new myDrawboard();

c.add(myboard.panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

c.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

Timer timer = new Timer();

timer.schedule(new myTimer(), 0, 16);


class myTimer extends TimerTask



public void run() {




class buttonListener implements ActionListener {

int i;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action)


if (action.getSource() == addbutton) {

if (!size_input.getText().equals("")) {



myboard.additem(Integer.parseInt(size_input.getText()), cb.getSelectedItem().toString());

counter.setText(" Count : " + myboard.countItem()+ " ");


catch (NumberFormatException e)



JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter only number!", "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);





JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter the Object size!", "Input needed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);



if (action.getSource() == removebutton)



counter.setText(" Count : " + myboard.countItem()+ " ");





class myDrawboard


private static int count = 0;

Graphics2D g2;

MyPanel panel = new MyPanel();

public void additem(int size, String shape)



panel.addShape(size, shape);


public String countItem() {

return Integer.toString(count);


public void removeBall() {

if (panel.deleteShape()) {





class MyPanel extends JPanel


ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();

public MyPanel()




public void addShape(int size, String shape)


Random randomGenerator = new Random();

int x = randomGenerator.nextInt(200);

int y = randomGenerator.nextInt(200);

int R = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int G = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int B = randomGenerator.nextInt(256);

int vx = randomGenerator.nextInt(10)+2;

int vy = randomGenerator.nextInt(10)+2;

Color randomcolor = new Color(R, G, B);

if (shape == "Box")


Box box = new Box();

box.setInfo(size, x, y, randomcolor, vx, vy);



else // shape==ball


Ball ball = new Ball();

ball.setInfo(size, x, y, randomcolor, vx, vy);




public boolean deleteShape()


if (myArrayList.size() > 0)


myArrayList.remove(myArrayList.size() - 1); // remove the last one

return true;


return false;


public void paintComponent(Graphics g)


Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;


g2.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(), getHeight());

for (int i = 0; i < myArrayList.size(); i++)


myArrayList.get(i).update(getWidth(), getHeight());





interface DrawObject


void drawObject(Graphics2D g2);

void update(int width, int height);


class Ball implements DrawObject


private int size;

int x;

int y;

int velX;

int velY;

private Color color;

public void setInfo(int size, int x, int y, Color randomcolor, int vx, int vy)


this.size = size;

this.x = x;

this.y = y;

this.velX = vx;

this.velY = vy;

this.color = randomcolor;


public void drawObject(Graphics2D g2)



g2.fillOval(x, y, size * 2, size * 2);

g2.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 50));

// g2.drawString("cs211",x,y);



//Ball moving

public void update(int width, int height)


x += velX;

if(x < 0 || x > width-size*2)

velX *= -1;

y += velY;

if(y < 0 || y > height-size*2)

velY *= -1;



class Box implements DrawObject


private int size;

int x;

int y;

int velX;

int velY;

private Color color;

private Rectangle square;

public void setInfo(int size, int x, int y, Color randomcolor, int vx, int vy)


square = new Rectangle(x, y, size, size);

this.velX = vx;

this.velY = vy;

color = randomcolor;


public void drawObject(Graphics2D g2)



g2.fillRect(square.x, square.y, square.width, square.height);


//box moving

public void update(int width, int height)


square.x += velX;

if(square.x < 0 || square.x > width-square.width)

velX *= -1;

square.y += velY;

if(square.y < 0 || square.y > height-square.height)

velY *= -1;



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