
In: Computer Science

Software Architecture Related: SOA systems feature dynamic service registration and discovery. Which quality attributes does this...

Software Architecture Related:

SOA systems feature dynamic service registration and discovery. Which quality attributes does this capability enhance and which does it threaten? If you had to make a recommendation to your boss about whether your company's SOA system should use external services it discovers at runtime, what would you say?


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Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs)-Service-Oriented Architecture is a path to formulating information technology between network interfaces which data, logic, and infrastructure resources are accessed by network interfaces.

SOA Quality Attributes which enhance capability-
1) Interoperability-The capability of a group of communicating items contributing specific information and act on it and conferring to an agreed-upon operational semantics is known as interoperability.

2)Extensibility-Enhancement of services and capabilities without touching other services or parts of the system is known as extensibility.

3)Reliability-The ability of a system to keep operating over time is known as reliability.It includes the
reliability of the messages and the reliability of the services .
4)Availability-It refers the degree to which a system is working and available when required for use.
5)Usability-Experience of user in interacting with services amounts Usability.It includes data granularity, services to
support usability.
6)Scalability-Distribution of workload on more systems is refer as scalability.It is two types i.e.horizontal scalability
and vertical scalability
7)Adaptability-It refers the ease with which a system may be changed to fit changed requirements.
8)Operability andDeployability
SOA Quality Attributes which threat capability-
1)Security-Security associated with following
2)Performance-It includes response time , throughput and  timeliness .Performance usually affect negatively in SOAs
4) Auditability

Recommendation to boss-I would suggest to our boss which enhance utility services, entity services, task services and
process services.It is comply with SOA Quality Attributes.

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