
In: Computer Science

Write a JAVA program that emulates a Magic Eight Ball. Start by generating a random number...

Write a JAVA program that emulates a Magic Eight Ball. Start by generating a random number and then use a switch statement to display the message.

Use this website as a resource on possible answers a Magic Eight Ball gives:


Expert Solution

   import java.util.*;
   import java.util.Random;
   import java.lang.*;

   public class Magic8_Ball
       public static void main(String[] args)
           //generating random number using Math.Random()
           int random_magic = (int) Math.ceil(Math.random() *20);
           //aanswer variable for storing and displaying response
           String answer = "";
           //switch case for different output cases
               case 1:
                   answer = "It is certain";
               case 2:
                   answer = "It is decidedly so";
               case 3:
                   answer = "Without a doubt";
               case 4:
                   answer = "Yes - definitely";
               case 5:
                   answer = "You may rely on it";
               case 6:
                   answer = "As i see it, yes";
               case 7:
                   answer = "Most likely";
               case 8:
                   answer = "Outlook good";
               case 9:
                   answer = "Yes";
               case 10:
                   answer = "Signs point to yes";
               case 11:
                   answer = "Reply hazy, try again";
               case 12:
                   answer = "Ask again later";
               case 13:
                   answer = "Better not tell you now";
               case 14:
                   answer = "Cannot predict now";
               case 15:
                   answer = "Concentrate ans ask again";
               case 16:
                   answer = "Don;t count on it";
               case 17:
                   answer = "My reply is no";
               case 18:
                   answer = "My sources say no";
               case 19:
                   answer = "Outlook not so good";
               case 20:
                   answer = "Very doubtful";
                   answer = "8-Ball Error";
           //printing the response
           System.out.println("\nMagic 8-Ball says: " + answer);


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