
In: Computer Science

Write a program to calculate fees that must be paid by a student at a State...

Write a program to calculate fees that must be paid by a student at a State university using the following


Each semester unit


Regular room charge per semester


Air conditioned room


Food charge for the semester


Matriculation fee (all students)


Diploma fee (if graduating student)


Input student ID number (one integer containing four digits), the type of room (regular or air conditioned), units, and whether or not the student is graduating. Output an itemized list of student

fees and a total of the student fee owed. Check for students taking more than 21 units and students

taking fewer than 12 units. Output a message to students enrolled in more than 21 units (this is not

allowed, do not process this data) or fewer than 12 units (warn them that they are not full time students

but do process this data).


Three initials of the individual, student identification number, type of room (R, A), number of units, and

whether or not student is graduating (Y/N).



Student ID




Charge for units


Room charge


Food charge


Matriculation Fee


Total semester charges


Adequately check all entered data for validity. Use adequate test data to process all valid data and use

representative data to show how your program handles invalid data. .

Label all output clearly.

Be sure your output contains user prompts and what was entered by the user in addition to the results

of your program processing.






Expert Solution

Answer: Hello! Dear student, you didn't mention any particular language to design this program that's why i used here c++. This program is error-free and working well, giving the desired output as you have shown in the sample. If you have any queries, feel free to ask me. Thanks.

#include<iostream> //include header files
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
   int id,count=0,unit; //int type variables
   float unit_charge=90.00,regularRoom_charge=200.00,AcRoom_charge=250.00,Food_charge=400.00,Matriculation_fee=30.00,Diploma_fee=35.00,total=0, //float type variables declaration with initialization
string room; //string type variable
char graduate; //char type variable
   cout<<"Enter student ID: "<<endl; //prompts for student id
   while(id!=0) //validation check for student id
       id = id/10;
   if(count<4) //if invalid
       cout<<endl<<"Invalid ID! ID should be has four digits";
   cout<<endl<<"Enter the type of room AC/Regular: "<<endl; //prompts for romm type
   if(room=="AC") //to check choice
   {   room_charge = AcRoom_charge;
       total = room_charge;
   {   room_charge = regularRoom_charge;
       total =room_charge;
   cout<<endl<<"Enter the units of semester"<<endl; //prompts for units
   if(unit>21) //validation check for unit
       cout<<endl<<"Students enrolled more than 21 units. This is not allowed";
           cout<<endl<<"Warning!!You are not full time students"; //warninh message
           unit_charge = unit*unit_charge; //calculate unit charge
           total = total+unit_charge;
   cout<<endl<<"Are you graduate?(Y/N)"<<endl; //prompt for graduate
//print charges with items list , at last total charges
   cout<<endl<<"Charges for units:";  
   cout<<endl<<"Room charge:";
   cout<<endl<<"Food charge:";
   cout<<endl<<"Metriculation Fee:";
   {   graduate_fee = Diploma_fee;
       total = total+graduate_fee;
       cout<<endl<<"Diploma Fee: ";
   total = total+Matriculation_fee+Food_charge;
   cout<<endl<<"Total Semester charges :";
   return 0;


Enter student ID: 1234 Enter the type of room AC/Regular: AC Enter the units of semester 15 Are you graduate? (Y/N) Y Charges for units: $1350.00 Room charge: 250.00 Food charge: $400.00 Metriculation Fee: $30.00 Diploma Fee: $35.00 Total Semester charges : $2065.00 US

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