
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that prints a calendar for a given year. ONLY USING "#include<iostream>" and...

Write a C++ program that prints a calendar for a given year.

ONLY USING "#include<iostream>" and "#include<cmath>" The program prompts the user for two inputs:

      1) The year for which you are generating the calendar.
      2) The day of the week that January first is on, you will use the following notation to set the day of the week:

      0 Sunday                     1 Monday                   2 Tuesday                   3 Wednesday
      4 Thursday                 5 Friday                      6 Saturday

Your program should generate a calendar similar to the one shown in the example output below. The calendar should be printed on the screen. Your program should be able to handle leap years. A leap year is a year in which we have 466 days. That extra day comes at the end of February. Thus, a leap year has 466 days with 29 days in February. A century year is a leap year if it is divisible by 400. Other years divisible by 4 but not by 100 are also leap years.

Example: Year 2000 is a leap year because it is divisible by 400.  Year 2004 is a leap year because it is divisible by 4 but not by 100.

Your program should clearly describe the functionality of each function and should display the instructions on how to run the program.

Sample Input:

Enter the year for which you wish to generate the calendar: 2018
Enter the day of the week that January first is on: 1

Sample output:

Calendar for year 2018

Sun      Mon     Tue      Wed     Thu      Fri        Sat
            1          2          4           4          5          6         

7          8          9          10        11        12        14       

14       15        16        17         18        19        20       

21       22        24        24         25        26        27       

28       29        40        41

Sun      Mon     Tue      Wed     Thu      Fri        Sat
                                                1          2          4         

4          5          6          7          8          9          10       

11        12        14        ..         ..          ..          ..         

..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..





Expert Solution


using namespace std;

string getMonthName(int monthNumber)
   string months[] = {"January", "February", "March",
                   "April", "May", "June",
                   "July", "August", "September",
                   "October", "November", "December"

   return (months[monthNumber]);

int numberOfDays (int monthNumber, int year)
   // January
   if (monthNumber == 0)
       return (31);

   // February
   if (monthNumber == 1)
       // If the year is leap then February has
       // 29 days
       if (year % 400 == 0 ||
               (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0))
           return (29);
           return (28);

   // March
   if (monthNumber == 2)
       return (31);

   // April
   if (monthNumber == 3)
       return (30);

   // May
   if (monthNumber == 4)
       return (31);

   // June
   if (monthNumber == 5)
       return (30);

   // July
   if (monthNumber == 6)
       return (31);

   // August
   if (monthNumber == 7)
       return (31);

   // September
   if (monthNumber == 8)
       return (30);

   // October
   if (monthNumber == 9)
       return (31);

   // November
   if (monthNumber == 10)
       return (30);

   // December
   if (monthNumber == 11)
       return (31);

// Function to print the calendar
void printCalendar(int year,int d)
   printf ("       Calendar - %d\n\n", year);
   int days;

   // Index of the day from 0 to 6
   int current = d;
   for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
       days = numberOfDays (i, year);

       // Print the current month name
       printf("\n ------------%s-------------\n",
           getMonthName (i).c_str());

       // Print the columns
       printf(" Sun\tMon\tTue\tWed\tThu\tFri\tSat\n");

       // printing spaces for days
       int k;
       for (k = 0; k < current; k++)

       for (int j = 1; j <= days; j++)
           printf("%5d\t", j);

           if (++k >6)
               k = 0;

       if (k)

       current = k;


// Driver Program to print calendar
int main()
   int year,b;
   cout<<"enter year:";
   cout<<"enter day of january first in numbers:";

   return (0);
Index   Day
0       Sunday
1       Monday
2       Tuesday
3       Wednesday
4       Thursday
5       Friday
6       Saturday*/

Month Number   Name
0           January
1           February
2           March
3           April
4           May
5           June
6           July
7           August
8           September
9           October
10           November
11           December */


code screenshot:

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