In: Anatomy and Physiology
how does ADHD affect the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia? (with detail please)
answer) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) i a condition haracterized by inabliility to control ones attention span so as to effectivley complete one activity or coginitive process before proceeding to another.which leads to impulsive desicion making and actions.
ADHA is assiciated with abnormally low levels of neuro transmitters transmitting between pre-frontal cortex and basal ganglia. which are dopamine and nor-adrenaline. dopamine is associated with rewards centers in the brain and also regulate mood with other neurottransmitter. so its is present in low level it cause the personn to take rewards by other means.
the prefrontal cortex contols emotional behavior and judement and lack neurottranmitters results in lack of alertness annd shortened attention.and short term memory.
basal ganglia controls the impulsive behavior so as to prevnt unwarranted atuomatic response to stimuli.