
In: Anatomy and Physiology

n chapter 10, you will learn about emerging viruses. At this very moment, the entire world...

n chapter 10, you will learn about emerging viruses. At this very moment, the entire world is coming to grips with the newly emerged coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In the past several decades, many other viruses have emerged as well (Ebola, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, Swine flu, Zika, and HIV for example). For this assignment, I want you to do some research of your own in the literature and complete the following:

  1. Choose a virus that has emerged in the past century and discuss how that virus impacted the human species (E.g. healthcare, economically, our understanding of viruses in general). (Must have at least 1 reference)
  2. Discuss why these viruses are emerging in general (E.g. climate change, humans encroaching on habitats). (Must have at least 1 reference)
  3. For this portion of the assignment, you will be coming full circle and making reference to Chapter 1 when you learned about how to distinguish pseudoscience from scientific, peer-reviewed facts. You must find an article that discusses a myth or misconception about SARS-CoV-2 and then provide a follow up article that has been peer-reviewed that explains WHY the misconception is incorrect (E.g. the virus was made in a lab, etc.). (Must have at least 2 references)

This assignment is more involved than previous blackboard discussion posts so in order to receive full credit you must write at least three paragraphs.  I want you to explain and discuss the findings in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not copy and paste from the articles you reference. If you need to reference a line from the articles specifically make sure to properly cite the reference with quotations.


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Answer :)

We can study on Ebola epidemic, which is also spread by bats.

Ebola virus sickness (EVD), a deadly viral illness, was found in 1976 when two successive flare-ups of lethal hemorrhagic fever happened in various pieces of Central Africa. The principal episode happened in the Democratic Republic of Congo (once in past Zaire) in a town close to the Ebola River, which gave the infection its name. The subsequent flare-up happened in what is presently South Sudan, around 500 miles (850 km) away. African organic product bats are likely associated with the spread of Ebola infection and may even be the source creature (store have). These animals are known to favor warm and wet natural surroundings, which are relied upon to grow in the objective locales as the atmosphere changes. Researchers keep on scanning for convincing proof of the bat's job in the transmission of Ebola. The utilization of defiled needles and syringes during the soonest flare-ups empowered transmission and enhancement of the Ebola infection. During the main episode in Zaire nurture in the Yambuku strategically allegedly utilized five syringes for 300 to 600 patients per day. By the 1994 Cote d'Ivoire flare-up, researchers and general wellbeing authorities had a superior comprehension of how Ebola infection spreads and progress was made to decrease transmission using face veils, gloves, and outfits for social insurance faculty. Moreover, the utilization of expendable gear, for example, needles, was presented.

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