
In: Statistics and Probability

Let S be the educational attainment of individuals in a town, with values S=0 for less...

Let S be the educational attainment of individuals in a town, with values S=0 for less than high school and S=1 for high school or above. Also, let Y be their individual annual income with values Y=0 for less than $20,000, Y=1 for between $20,000 and $40,000, and Y=2 for above $40,000. Consider now the following joint probabilities:

S\Y Y=0 (less than $20K) Y=1 ($20K-$40K) Y=2 (more than $40K)
S=0 (Less than HS) 0.05 0.03 0.01
S=1 (HS or more) 0.22 0.36 0.33

A) Determine the expected value (mean) of the conditional expected level of educational attainment (given the various levels of individual annual income).

B) Determine the expected level of educational attainment.


Expert Solution


S\Y Y=0 Y=1 Y=2 Total
S = 0 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.09
S = 1 0.22 0.36 0.33 0.91
Total 0.27 0.39 0.34 1

P(Y=0) = total under ( Y=0 )

= 0.27

P(Y=1) = total under ( Y=1 )

= 0.39

P(Y=2) = total under ( Y=2 )

= 0.34

Expected value formula in common is ,


We have to find the conditional expected level of educational attainment given Y =0 , Y=1 , Y = 2

First we can find with Y = 0

P ( S / Y =0) this will have two values with S =0 and S = 1

P(S=0/ Y=0) = P(S=0,Y=0)/ P (Y=0)

= 0.05/0.27

= 0.19

P(S=1/Y=0) = P( S=1 , Y=0)/ P(Y=0)

= 0.22/ 0.27

= 0.81

Then expected value of P( S/Y=0)

= 0×0.19 + 1×0.81

= 0+ 0.81

= 0.81

For given Y = 1

P ( S/Y = 1) , S =0 and S= 1

P(S=0/Y=1) = P(S=0,Y=1)/ P(Y=1)

= 0.03 / 0.39

= 0.08

P(S=1/Y=1) = P(S=1,Y=1)/P(Y=1)

= 0.36/0.39

= 0.92

Expected value of P(S/Y=1) is,

= 0×0.08 + 1×0.92

= 0 + 0.92

= 0.92

For given Y=2

P(S/Y=2) , for S=0 and S=1

P(S=0/Y=2) = P(S=0,Y=2) / P(Y=2)

= 0.01 / 0.34

= 0.03

P(S=1/Y=2) = P(S=1,Y=2) / P(Y=2)

= 0.33 / 0.34

= 0.97

Expected value of P(S/Y=2) is

= 0×0.03 + 1×0.97

= 0 + 0.97

= 0.97

Mean value of these 3 expected values are given as,

Mean = ( 0.81 + 0.92 + 0.97 ) / 3

= 2.7/3

= 0.9

Answer :



We are asked to determine the expected level of the education attainment .

We know that educational attainment is indicated by two methods one is S= 0 and S=1

So we have to find the probability of S=0 and S=1 to get the expected value . From the table we can find P(S=0) and P(S=1) by adding the values in the same row and it is added and written in the total column in the solution of A which is given above this problem. Then ,

P(S=0) = 0.05 + 0.03 + 0.01

= 0.09

P(S=1) = 0.22 + 0.36 + 0.33

= 0.91

Then finding the expected value ,

E(S) = 0×0.09 + 1×0.91

= 0 + 0.91

= 0.91

Answer :


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