
In: Accounting

Wright Corporation had the following permanent accounts and ending balances on December 31, 2020 (before adjusting...

Wright Corporation had the following permanent accounts and ending balances on December 31, 2020 (before adjusting entries):

Dr. ($)

Cr. ($)





Bonds payable


Retained earnings


Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


FV-OCI investments




Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment


Accounts payable


Accounts receivable


Common shares


Prepaid insurance


FV-NI investments


There have been no transactions recorded in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts over the year. The company should recognize bad debt expenses for $5,000 at the end of 2020. The company prepaid $20,000 for one-year insurance becoming effective on October 1, 2020. The company purchased the equipment on July 1, 2018, and estimated that the useful life of the equipment is 20 years and there is no residual value of the equipment. The company adopted straight-line method to account for depreciation. On December 31, 2020, the fair values of FV-NI investment and FV-OCI investments were $200,000 and $520,000, respectively. The company used the perpetual inventory system. There were no accrued interest and discount/premium on bonds, and other accrual items. Please do not consider the income tax effect.


Prepare a statement of financial position as at December 31, 2020, presenting assets and liabilities in order of liquidity.


Expert Solution

I have prepared Statement of Financial Position and also prepare necessary adjustment entries in excel . Hope it will help to make you understand.

Statement of Financial Position for Wright Corporation as at Dec 31,2020
Particlulars Amount ($)
Current Assets
Cash                          350,000
Prepaid Insurance 15,000
Accounts receivable                          320,000
Inventry                          720,000                        1,405,000
Prepaid Insurance
FV OCI Investments                          520,000
FV - NI Investments                          200,000
Unrealised Loss on invetsments                             60,000                            780,000
Equipments                       1,600,000
Less Accumulated Depreciation                          200,000                        1,400,000
Total Assets (A)                        3,585,000
Less : Liabilities
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable                          560,000                            560,000
Non Current Liabilities
Bonds Payable                          900,000                            900,000
Total Liabilities ( B)                        1,460,000
Net Assets                                                               (A) -( B)                        2,125,000
Adjustment Entries
Date General Journal Debit ($) Credit ($)
31 Dec Bed debt expenses               5,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts               5,000
31 Dec Insurace Expense               5,000
Prepaid Insurance               5,000
31 Dec Depreciation Exp            80,000
Accumulated Dep            80,000
31 Dec Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investmenst            80,000
FV - OCI Investmenst            80,000
31 Dec FV - NI Investmenst            20,000
Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investmenst            20,000
Working Notes -  
1 Insurance Expenses
Amount paid                      20,000
Insurance Period 1 year
Effective date of Insurance October 1,2020
Unexpired Insurance 3 months
Unexpired Insurance 9 months
Amount to be treated as insurance Expense 20000*3/12                         5,000
2 Computation of Depreciation
Purchase Cost of Equipment                1,600,000
Useful Life                               20
Depreciation to be Charged yearly 1600000/20                      80,000

Note : 1. As Investments are long term and assumed as held not for sale , so unrealized loss has not been treated as current year loss.

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