
In: Computer Science

Conversion of numeral to roman number: Create a FLOWCHART and C++ PROGRAM that prompts the user...

Conversion of numeral to roman number:

Create a FLOWCHART and C++ PROGRAM that prompts the user to enter a number (from 1-3000 only) then output the number and its corresponding roman numeral number. ***validate the input (it must be 1-3000 only)


Enter a Number: 0

Number should be from 1-3000 only (Terminated)

Enter a Number: -5

Number should be from 1-3000 only (Terminated)

Enter a Number: 3500

Number should be from 1-3000 only (Terminated)

Enter a Number: 1994

Roman Number is: MCMXLIV


Expert Solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert decimal to Roman Numerals
string Roman(int num)
   string roman="";
int numarr[] = {1,4,5,9,10,40,50,90,100,400,500,900,1000};
string symbol[] = {"I","IV","V","IX","X","XL","L","XC","C","CD","D","CM","M"};
int i=12;   
int div = num/numarr[i];
num = num%numarr[i];
return roman;
int main()
   int number = 3549;
   string roman;
   cout<<"\nENTER A NUMBER: ";
       cout<<"\nNumber should be from 1-3000 only (Terminated)\n";
       cout<<"Roman Number is: "<<roman<<endl;
   return 0;



string Roman(int num)

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