The assumptions of the Keynesian Model are:
- Demand creates its own supply.
- The aggregate price level remains fixed. This means that all
variables are real variables and all changes are in real terms.
Therefore if aggregate demand increases, output will increase,
prices remaining the same. And due to the existence of excess
production capacity and unemployed resources the economy will reach
the point of full employment - if there is sufficient demand
- The economy has excess production capacity.
- The economy is closed i.e, there is no export and import.
- There is no retained earnings. All profits are assumed to be
distributed as dividends among the shareholders.
- Firms are assumed to make no tax payments; all taxes are paid
by households.
Consumption Function:
In economics, the Consumption Function describes a relationship
between consumption and disposable income.
The factors that causes shift in the consumption function
- The Rate of Interest.
- Sales Effort.
- The Volume of Wealth.
- Terms of Consumer Credit.
- Deferred Payment.
- Psychological Factors.
- Structural Factors.
- Fiscal Policy.