In: Computer Science
Let An = {ai} n i=1 denote a list of n distinct positive integers. The median mA of An is a value in An such that half the elements in An are less than m (and so, the other half are greater than or equal m). In fact, the median element is said to have a middle rank. (a) Develop an algorithm that uses Sorting to return mA given An. (6%) (b) Now assume that one is given another list Bn = {bi} n i=1 of n distinct positive integers whose median mB is already known. Develop an algorithm that returns the sum of the two elements with value closest to mB, such that one of them is greater than mB and the other is lower than mB. Although sorting Bn would yield a quick solution, we will see later on that this is a exhorbitantly slow process and one can solve the problem without sorting Bn in singnificantly faster time. Hence, in your solution, Do Not Sort Bn and propose a solution that goes without Sorting. (6%) (c) State a loop invariant for the algorithm you proposed in part (b) above.(6%) (d) Prove the loop invariant you proposed in part (c) above
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Algorithm partition (An, low, high)
Input: a list of n integers and lowest & highest indexes
Output: partitioning index
pivot ← A[high]
i ← low – 1
for j = low to high-1
if A[j] < pivot
i ← i + 1
swap A[i] and A[j]
swap A[i+1] and A[high]
return (i+1)
Algorithm quicksort (An, low, high)
Input: a list of n integers and lowest & highest indexes
Output: nothing
if low < high
pi ← partition (An, low, high)
quicksort (An, low, pi-1)
quicksort (An, pi+1, high)
Algorithm median (An)
Input: a list of n integers
Output: median of the data
quicksort (An, 0, n-1)
if n%2 ≠ 0
return A[n/2]
return (A[n/2]+A[(n/2)+1])/2
Answer :: B
Algorithm find_pair (An, mB)
Input: a list of n integers and its median
Output: the two required numbers
x ← -INF/2
y ← +INF/2
for i = 0 to n-1
for j = 0 to n-1
if A[i]< mB and A[j]> mB and |mB-(A[i]+A[j])| < |mB –(x+y)|
x = A[i]
y = A[j]
return (x,y)
Answer :: (C)
Here In Part (B) It is true for every
iteration that x < mB
and y >
Answer :: (D)
Since, x and y are initialized to minus infinity and infinity respectively and they get changed to A[i] and A[j] respectively, in each iteration of the loop if at least both A[i] < mB & A[j] >mB are true, therefore both loop invariants should also be true.