In: Anatomy and Physiology
How does a nerve stimulate a muscle to contract? What occurs in a muscle cell in order for it to contract.
For a contraction to occur there must first be a stimulation of the muscle in the form of an impulse (action potential) from a motor neuron (nerve that connects to muscle).
Note that one motor neuron does not stimulate the entire muscle but only a number of muscle fibres within a muscle. The individual motor neuron plus the muscle fibres it stimulates, is called a motor unit. The motor end plate (also known as the neuromuscular junction) is the junction of the motor neurons axon and the muscle fibres it stimulates. When an impulse reaches the muscle fibres of a motor unit, it stimulates a reaction in each sarcomere between the actin and myosin filaments. This reaction results in the start of a contraction and the sliding filament theory.
The reaction, created from the arrival of an impulse stimulates the 'heads' on the myosin filament to reach forward, attach to the actin filament and pull actin towards the centre of the sarcomere. This process occurs simultaneously in all sarcomeres, the end process of which is the shortening of all sarcomeres.
Troponin is a complex of three proteins that are integral to muscle contraction. Troponin is attached to the protein tropomyosin within the actin filaments, as seen in the image below. When the muscle is relaxed tropomyosin blocks the attachment sites for the myosin cross bridges (heads), thus preventing contraction.
When the muscle is stimulated to contract by the nerve impulse, calcium channels open in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (which is effectively a storage house for calcium within the muscle) and release calcium into the sarcoplasm (fluid within the muscle cell). Some of this calcium attaches to troponin which causes a change in the muscle cell that moves tropomyosin out of the way so the cross bridges can attach and produce muscle contraction.
In summary the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction can be broken down into four distinct stages, these are;
1. Muscle
activation: The motor nerve stimulates an action
potential (impulse) to pass down a neuron to the neuromuscular
junction. This stimulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release
calcium into the muscle cell.
2. Muscle contraction: Calcium floods
into the muscle cell binding with troponin allowing actin and
myosin to bind. The actin and myosin cross bridges bind and
contract using ATP as energy (ATP is an energy compound that all
cells use to fuel their activity – this is discussed in greater
detail in the energy system folder here at ptdirect).
3. Recharging: ATP is re-synthesised
(re-manufactured) allowing actin and myosin to maintain their
strong binding state
4. Relaxation: Relaxation occurs when
stimulation of the nerve stops. Calcium is then pumped back into
the sarcoplasmic reticulum breaking the link between actin and
myosin. Actin and myosin return to their unbound state causing the
muscle to relax. Alternatively relaxation (failure) will also occur
when ATP is no longer available.
In order for a skeletal muscle contraction to occur;
1. There must be a
neural stimulus
2. There must be calcium in the muscle cells
3. ATP must be available for energy
So, a few things can stop a contraction;
1. Energy system fatigue: There is no more ATP left in the muscle cell so it can’t keep contracting.
2. Nervous system
fatigue: The nervous system is not able to create impulses
sufficiently or quickly enough to maintain the stimulus and cause
calcium to release.
3. Voluntary nervous system control: The nerve
that tells the muscle to contract stops sending that signal because
the brain tells it to, so no more calcium ions will enter the
muscle cell and the contraction stops.
4. Sensory nervous system information: For
example, a sensory neuron (nerves that detect stimuli like pain or
how heavy something is) provides feedback to the brain indicating
that a muscle is injured while you are trying to lift a heavy
weight and consequently the impulse to that muscle telling it to
contract is stopped.