
In: Computer Science

This is for C programming. Suppose one string is defined for a sentence with maximum 100...

This is for C programming.

Suppose one string is defined for a sentence with maximum 100 characters.

Write a method that prints maximum occurring characters in the input string and its frequency. For example, if input string is "this is testt", your code should print 't' : 4.

Thank you.


Expert Solution


Note: Brother in case of any queries, just comment in box I would be very happy to assist all your queries


void printMax(char s[],int n)
int i,arr[26];
else if(s[i]>='A'&&s[i]<='Z')

int ind=0,max=arr[0];
{ if(max<arr[i])

printf("'%c' : %d\n",(ind+'a'),arr[ind]);
int main(){
char s[100];
printf("Enter string: ");
return 0;

Kindly revert for any queries


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