
In: Operations Management

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) hopes to manage natural capital for improved human...

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) hopes to manage natural capital for improved human wellbeing for centuries to come. Among the ways it does this is to come to an agreement on a 10 yr strategic plan for the CBD that carries within it specific targets. Some of those targets address drivers of biodiversity loss, some address global conservation goals and some try to manage the financial landscape within which biodiversity investments are made. Each country then constructs its own National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to feed into the global goals. A) What are the CBD targets that have explicit economic content? B) why are they important to achieving biodiversity conservation objectives? C) is the national level the best level to address these economically oriented targets? If so, why so? If not, why not?


Expert Solution

A) The convention on biological diversity has been for a long time in exploring various options to enhance corporation of the private sector in furthering the goals of the convention. Considering the fact that corporate are the major contributors to creating ecological imbalances which impact the consolation efforts, it only makes sense to involve them in preserving the biodiversity as well as the ecological balance and also to control further degradation. Effective implementation of this collaboration with the private sector the CBD as designed and extensive strategy to ensure involvement of the private sector in a relevant manner and with required results. It has achieved by formation of a global partnership for business and biodiversity in order to educate businesses on how conservation of environment can be effectively implemented within the processes and also prove profitable.

The CBD targets that have explicit economic content are those which involve provision of essential services related to utilisation of natural resources and businesses build around such services which not only protect the environment but also help improve it. This also includes encouragement of businesses utilising recyclable waste materials for manufacturing of innovative products. Educating businesses on utilisation of alternative sources of energy which are also more profitable for the business, while reducing the carbon footprint at the same time. Encouraging conservation through businesses heavily dependent on natural resources to be sensitized on the means to sustaining their businesses through conserving the natural input required. For example Cocoa plantations are not conserved through soil enrichment and disease control measures, instead large deforestation is indulged for fresh plantation resulting in double impact of destroying the existing plantation and further destroying forests for fresh plantation. The entire procedure can be made ecosystem friendly through management of the old plantation through enrichment and prevention of erosion through introduction of soil conservation practices and utilising the added benefit of multiple cropping.

B) Businesses and organisations today have gone global in a very intensive manner, mostly due to unparalleled development in communication technology making the adage the world is a village seem true. This has also resulted in every organisation becoming extremely aware of not only the image they project to the world but also showing extensive social responsibility towards environmental issues. The extensive degradation of the ecological balance on the planet has been caused in a major way by Corporates, through ignorance of the consequences of industrial pollution and irresponsible management of disposal of industrial waste materials, including toxic chemicals. This has resulted in massive destruction of natural resources, a significant deterioration in quality making them unfit for human utilisation, and with widespread negative impact on society and mankind worldwide. A worldwide campaign by several NGOs served to create awareness among the general public, regarding the unethical and irresponsible practices followed by organisations, leading to society as a whole demanding for environment and social responsibility from organisations. The majority of multinational corporations have realised that they are responsible for correction of the imbalance within the ecology caused by them, as the concepts of ecological interdependence and sustainability, have increasingly become the focus, across the world.

Considering the fact that the corporate world is the one with the maximum impact on the environment, it is obvious that their involvement in any effort to address global conservation goals is essential and the UNCBD recognises this. Therefore, they have formulated a strategy to ensure the organisations understand the need to come up with sufficient measures to ensure environmental protection and promotion of a green initiative which exhibits social and environmental responsibility, through promoting recycling and controlling carbon footprints as also making safe waste disposal a priority, to achieve sustenance.

C) It is important to address these targets at the national level as it is becoming essential to involve and educate every individual, to be aware of conservation of the ecological system and ensure its balance. It is not exclusively the multinational corporations which are to blame for the massive imbalance which has resulted within the ecological system and extensive change in climate across the world is ample proof. We only need to look at one single material plastic and our inability to control and manage its impact on the environment. It is the responsibility of the goverment of every country to ensure that every company, operating within it's boundaries, follows strict rules and regulations laid down for the protection of the environment. It is a serious lack of policy guidelines and close to protect the environment within so many countries rich in natural resources which has led to the exploitation of the environment by unscrupulous Corporates. This is a clear failure on the part of the Government of a country which formulates policy and is responsible for conservation of national natural resources as well as the environment. Dependence on Non governmental organisations which spearheaded the protect the environment campaign, for policing the multinational corporations, is not sufficient nor desirable, as many times, they may have vested interests. It is important that society as a whole be educated and trains to protect their rights over their environment by preventing corporations from any activity which may have far reaching impact on the ecological balance. Most multinational corporations have risen to the demand for social responsibility towards the environment and society as a whole, to ensure the growth, sustenance and very existence of the organisation. Let us hope, the ones which are left behind shall follow suit shortly.

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