
In: Computer Science

To earn full credit, program must be free of syntax, run-time, and logic errors; include program...

To earn full credit, program must be free of syntax, run-time, and logic errors; include program comments; use reasonable readable variable names and prompts.

To include variables in the input prompt, you must use concatenation character (+). For example: assume you already asked for input of employee's first name and last name (they are stored into variables FirstName and LastName, then use this prompt to ask for employee's weekly hours which includes the employee's full name in the input statement.

Hours = float(input("Enter " + FirstName + ' ' + LastName + '\'s Weekly Hours: '))

The company which uses this program has TWO employees.

Write a Python application that will allow the user (payroll clerk) to enter payroll data for two hourly employees. Input Data includes:

  • Employee ID (string text such as AF101)
  • Employee Last Name (string text)
  • Employee First Name (string text)
  • Weekly Hours
  • Hourly pay rate per hour
  • Income tax rate

Repeat the above prompt for two employees

Must use if statements to check if the employee requires an overtime pay.

Up to 40 hours on employee’s hourly rate; any hours over 40 must be pay at a time and a half (1.5 of rate). Using , and 2 decimal places for all currency in the output

Display the followings for each employee:

  • Display Employee Data (ID, First and Last Name)
  • Display Weekly Hours and Hourly pay rate
  • Display the Gross Pay (includes overtime if any)
  • Taxes Withheld (Gross Pay x Tax Rate)
  • Net Pay (Gross Pay – Taxes Withheld)

Then finally output payroll info for the entire company (total amount for both employees)

  • Display Company payroll expense (sum of both employees’ Gross Pay)
  • Display Total Cash amount to Employees (sum of both employees’ Net Pay)

Sample input/output (user input is in bold italic)

Enter Employee’s ID (i.e. AF101): AS111

Enter Employee’s Last Name: Wong

Enter Employee’s First Name: Wanda

Enter Wanda Wong’s Weekly Hours: 36.5

Enter Wanda Wong’s Hourly pay rate per hour:  50

Enter Wanda Wong’s Income tax rate: 0.25

Enter Employee’s ID (i.e. AF101): AS256

Enter Employee’s Last Name: Johnson

Enter Employee’s First Name: Betty

Enter Betty Johnson’s Weekly Hours: 52

Enter Betty Johnson’s Hourly pay rate per hour:  30

Enter Betty Johnson’s Income tax rate: 0.20

Weekly Pay stub for AS111                       Wanda Wong

36.5 Hours Worked @ $50.00

Gross pay of                                                      $1,825.00

Less Taxes Withheld @ 25.0%                     $456.25

Net Pay                                                                  $1,368.75

Weekly Pay stub for AS256                       Betty Johnson

52 Hours Worked @ $30.00

Gross pay of                                                       $1,740.00

Less Taxes Withheld @ 20.0%                      $348.00

Net Pay                                                                   $1,392.00

Total Company payroll expense for the week: $3,565.00

Total Cash payments to Employees: $2,760.75


Expert Solution

for i in range(0,2):
ids.append(str(input('Enter Employee’s ID (i.e. AF101): ')))
lNames.append(str(input('Enter Employee’s Last Name: ')))
fNames.append(str(input('Enter Employee’s First Name: ')))
hours.append(float(input('Enter '+fNames[i]+' '+lNames[i]+'’s Weekly Hours: ')))
hourlyRate.append(float(input('Enter '+fNames[i]+' '+lNames[i]+'’s Hourly pay rate per hour: ')))
taxRate.append(float(input('Enter '+fNames[i]+' '+lNames[i]+'’s Income tax rate: ')))
for i in range(0,2):
print('Weekly Pay stub for '+ids[i]+' '+fNames[i]+' '+lNames[i])
print('{0:.1f}'.format(hours[i])+' Hours Worked @ $'+'{0:.2f}'.format(hourlyRate[i]))
print('Gross pay of $'+'{0:.2f}'.format(grossPay[i]))
print('Less Taxes Withheld @ {0:.2f}%'.format(taxRate[i]*100)+' ${0:.2f}'.format(grossPay[i]*taxRate[i]))
print('Net Pay ${0:.2f}'.format(grossPay[i]-grossPay[i] *taxRate[i]))

print('Total Company payroll expense for the week: ${0:.2f}'.format(grossPay[0]+grossPay[1]))
print('Total Cash payments to Employees: ${0:.2f}'.format(((grossPay[0]-grossPay[0]*taxRate[0])+(grossPay[1]-grossPay[1]*taxRate[1]))))

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