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Recently, some international trade agreements have allowed scientists and companies to patent the discoveries they make about organisms and their genetic material

Recently, some international trade agreements have allowed scientists and companies to patent the discoveries they make about organisms and their genetic material. For instance, it is possible to patent seeds that have genes for disease resistance or plants that can be used in medicine or industry. Owners of a patent then have greater control over the use of these organisms. Based on what you know about biodiversity, identify some pros and cons for a patent system. Write an essay exploring the pros and cons of patenting discoveries about organisms.


Expert Solution

Patenting organisms will have some negative effect on biodiversity since the usage of these organisms is controlled. Their genes will not be transported to another organism widely. If genes of the valuables species were allowed to be transported freely more plants would be interbred which could increase the biodiversity. However, patenting can save valuable species from extinction due to overharvesting.

Patenting organisms will have some negative effect on biodiversity since the usage of these organisms is controlled. Their genes will not be transported to another organism widely. However, patenting can save valuable species from extinction due to overharvesting.

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