
In: Computer Science

write a Java program Write a program to assign a letter grade according to the following...

write a Java program

Write a program to assign a letter grade according to the following scheme:
A: total score >= 90
B: 80 <= total score < 90
C: 70 <= total score < 80
D: 60 <= total score < 70
F: total score < 60
Output - the student's total score (float, 2 decimals) and letter grade
Testing - test your program with the following input data:
test1 = 95; test2 = 80; final = 90; assignments = 80
The expected output is:  score = 86.25 and letter grade = B.


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestPerson {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                System.out.println("Enter scores: ");
                Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
                double test1=sc.nextDouble();
                double test2=sc.nextDouble();
                double finalSc=sc.nextDouble();
                double assignment=sc.nextDouble();
                double total = (test1 + test2 + finalSc+assignment)/4;
                System.out.printf("score = %.2f\n",total);
                System.out.println("letter grade = "+getGrade(total));

        private static String getGrade(double n) {
                if(n>=90) return "A";
                if(n>=80) return "B";
                if(n>=70) return "C";
                if(n>=60) return "D";
                return "F";



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