
In: Statistics and Probability

7. A consumer psychologist wishes to determine whether playing music increases sales at a local department...

7. A consumer psychologist wishes to determine whether playing music increases sales at a local department store. To this end, the psychologist has the owner play either no music, soft rock, or classical music and notes the sales for 21 people (7 in each) under these three conditions. The dependent variable is dollars spent per shopper. The table below contains the data from this experiment. Perform a one-way ANOVA to address the consumer psychologist’s research question.

No Music

Soft Rock























Calculate the group means and grand mean and put your answers in the spaces provided.

No Music_____ Soft Rock_____ Classical_____

Grand Mean_____

8. Please write the null hypothesis for this analysis in both equation and written form.

9. Please write the research hypothesis for this analysis in both equation and written form.

10. Fill in the source table below based on your calculations.









11. Researchers were interested in how age is related to alcohol consumption. As such, they conducted a study dividing 150 subjects into 5 age groups and looking for average differences in alcohol consumption measured as drinking days per month. Sum of squares total is 1341. The authors of the study reported effect size eta-squared of .51. Find the value of the F-ratio.


Expert Solution

(7) Means = Sum of Observations / Total Observations

No Music = 1104 / 7 = 157.71

Soft Rock = 471 / 7 = 67.29

Classical = 478 / 7 = 68.29

Overall Mean = Average of All Means = (157.71 + 67.29 + 68.29) / 3 = 97.76


(8) The Null Hypothesis: H0: = = : The mean sales is the same for the different types of music.


(9) The Research Hypothesis: Ha: : The mean of sales of at least 1 music is different from the others.


(10) The ANOVA Table : Calculations are given at the end

Source SS DF Mean Square F
Between 37743.04 2 18871.52 35.14
Within/Error 9666.75 18 537.04
Total 47409.79 20


(11) Eta Squared = SS between / SS Total

Therefore 0.51 = SS Between / 1341

SS between = 1341 * 0.51 = 683.91

Therefore SS Within = SS total - SS between = 1341 - 683.91 = 657.09

df between = k - 1 = 5 - 1 = 4

df within = N - k = 150 - 5 = 145

MS between = SS Between / df between = 683.91 / 4 = 170.98

MS within = SS within / df within = 657.09 / 145 = 4.53

F = MS between / MS within = 170.98 / 4.53 = 37.74


Calculations for the ANOVA table in (10)

From the given data, we have

No Music Soft Rock Classical
Total 1104 471 478
n 7 7 7
Mean 157.71 67.29 68.29
Sum Of Squares 5615.7207 2217.4287 1833.4287

Overall Mean as calculated is 97.76

SS treatment = SUM [n* ( - overall mean)2] = 7 * (157.71 - 97.76)2 + 7 * (67.29 - 97.76)2 + 7 * (68.29 - 97.76)2 = 37743.04

df1 = k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2

MSTR = SS treatment/df1 = 37743.04 / 2 = 18871.52

SSerror = SUM (Sum of Squares) = 5615.7207 + 2217.4287 + 1833.4287 = 9666.75

df2 = N - k = 21 - 3 = 18

Therefore MS error = SSerror/df2 = 9666.75 / 18 = 537.04

F = MSTR/MSE = 18871.52 / 537.04 = 35.14


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