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(Gaddis) Programming Challenges 8. Search Function for Customer Accounts Program Program pág. 653, Cap. 11 Instruction:...

(Gaddis) Programming Challenges 8. Search Function for Customer Accounts Program Program pág. 653, Cap. 11

Instruction: Add the exercise 1 to the program provided.

.1. Search Function for Customer Accounts Program Add a function to Programming Challenge 7 that allows the user to search the structure array for a particular customer’s account. It should accept part of the customer’s name as an argument and then search for an account with a name that matches it. All accounts that match should be displayed. If no account matches, a message saying so should be displayed.


using namespace::std;

C++ Program


int main(){  

  ArrayBag<int> myArrayInteger;










  cout << "El nuemo 3 esta "


<< "veces repetido en el arreglo\n";

if (myArrayInteger.contains(7)){

cout <"El numero 7 esta dentro del arreglo\n";



  cout<<"El numero 7 no esta dentro del arreglo\n";



return 0;

}//end main


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#define MAX 10
using namespace std;

template<class T>
// Defines a template class ArrayBag
class ArrayBag
// Pointer type template to store data
T *data;
// To store the position
int index;
// Default constructor
// Dynamically allocate memory of size MAX
data = (T*)new T[MAX];
// Initializes index to 0
index = 0;

// Function to add parameter value to array bag
void add(T value)
if(index == MAX)
cout<<"\n ERROR: Cannot add more element. Reached maximum.";
data[index++] = value;

// Function to delete parameter value from array bag
void remove(T value)
int pos = -1;
// Loops till number of elements in the list
for(int c = 0; c < index; c++)
// Checks if current index position data is equals to parameter data
if(data[c] == value)
// Assigns the found index position
pos = c;
// Come out of the loop
// Loops from found index position to end minus one times
for(int c = pos; c < index - 1; c++)
// Shift each data to one position left
data[c] = data[c + 1];

// Checks if found position is -1 then not found
if(pos == -1)
cout<<"\n ERROR: No such element "<<value<<" found.";
// Otherwise found reduce the index counter by one

// Function to display array bag contents
void display()
cout<<"\n\n List contents: ";
// Loops till number of elements in the list
for(int c = 0; c < index; c++)
// Displays each element
cout<<data[c]<<" ";

// Function to return true if parameter value is available in array bag
// Otherwise returns false
bool contains(T value)
int pos = -1;
// Loops till number of elements in the list
for(int c = 0; c < index; c++)
// Checks if current index position data is equals to parameter data
if(data[c] == value)
// Returns true for found
return true;
// Returns false for not found
return false;

// Function to return number of times parameter value available in array bag
int getFrequencyOf(T value)
// Variable to store frequency
int counter = 0;
// Loops till number of elements in the list
for(int c = 0; c < index; c++)
// Checks if current index position data is equals to parameter data
if(data[c] == value)
// Increase the counter by one
return counter;
};// End of class

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

// main function definition
int main()
// Creates an object using parameterized constructor of type int
ArrayBag<int> myArrayInteger;

// Calls the function to add element

// Calls the function to display
// Calls the function to remove element
// Calls the function to display
// Calls the function to add element
// Calls the function to display

// Calls the function to display frequency
cout << "Element 3 available: "
<< " times in array bag\n";

// Calls the function to check availability
if (myArrayInteger.contains(7))
cout <<"Element 7 available in array bag\n";
cout<<"Element 7 not available in array bag\n";


return 0;
}//end main

Sample Output:

List contents: 5 3 5 10

List contents: 3 5 10

List contents: 3 5 10 3 3
Element 3 available: 3 times in array bag
Element 7 available in list
Press any key to continue . . .

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