
In: Computer Science

Ch 5 Program 1:                Complete the implementation of the Sphere class based on the Diagram...

Ch 5 Program 1:               

  1. Complete the implementation of the Sphere class based on the Diagram below. Use the DecimalFormat class in to format your output in the toString method.

  2. Then download the tester application from canvas to test your Sphere class. Do not change


private double radius //radius of the sphere object

private static int numSpheres //static or class variable. All Sphere objects share it

public Sphere() //constructor . Initialize Sphere objects’ instance variable radius to 0.0. It also increment numSpheres by 1.                                                                              

public Sphere(double radius) // overloaded constructor. Initialize Sphere objects’ instance variable radius(use the “this” keyword ). It also increments numSpheres by 1..

public void setRadius(double radius) //sets Sphere objects’ instance variable this.radius to radius

public double getRadius() // returns the value of the Sphere objects’ instance variable radius

public double calculateVolume() //computes and returns the volume of the Sphere object

public double calculateArea() //computes and returns the area of the Sphere object

public double calculateDiameter() //computes and returns the diameter of the Sphere object

public String toString() // returns a String representation of the Sphere object along with the                                                                                 

                                        // the volume and area with formatting.

Your output must look exactly as follow.



radius: 4.75 volume: 448.921 area: 283.529

numSpheres: 1



radius: 0.5 volume: 0.524 area: 3.142

numSpheres: 2

Softball's radius: 0.0

Softball after setting radius to 18.4


radius: 18.4 volume: 26094.085 area: 4254.47

numSpheres: 3

 * @
 * Do not change the this driver class. 
public class SphereTester
//  Creates and exercises some Sphere objects.
   public static void main(String[] args)
        //Creating a Sphere object with a radius of 4.75 inches
        Sphere basketBall = new Sphere(4.75);  //in inches
        //println will implicitly/automaticlly call toString method of this Sphere object.
        System.out.println("Basketball\n----------\n" + basketBall);
        //explicitly calling toString() on eyeBall. Both will work
        Sphere eyeBall    = new Sphere(0.5);
        System.out.println("Eyeball\n----------\n"+eyeBall.toString()); //explicitly calling toString(). Both will work
        //You can create an object in two statements as shown below
        Sphere softBall;           // 1. Declare a reference variable "softBall" of type Sphere 
        softBall = new Sphere();  // operation creates object and assign its memory address to softBall
        System.out.println("Softball's radius: " + softBall.getRadius() );

        System.out.println("Softball after setting radius to " +
                           softBall.getRadius()+"\n------------------------------------" );


radius: 4.75   volume: 448.921    area: 283.529
numSpheres: 1

radius: 0.5   volume: 0.524    area: 3.142
numSpheres: 2

Softball's radius: 0.0
Softball after setting radius to 18.4
radius: 18.4   volume: 26094.085    area: 4254.47
numSpheres: 3



Expert Solution

Code for your program is provided below. It is explained thoroughly in code comments. You can also refer to the screenshot of properly indented code in IDE that i have attached in the last. Output screenshot is also provided.

If you need any further clarification , please feel free to ask in comments. I would really appreciate if you would let me know if you are satisfied with the explanation provided.



import java.text.DecimalFormat;   //importing to use DecimalFormat

public class Sphere 
        private double radius; //radius of the sphere object
        private static int numSpheres; //static or class variable. All Sphere objects share it

        public Sphere() //constructor . Initialize Sphere objects’ instance variable radius to 0.0. It also increment numSpheres by 1.                                                                              
                radius=0.0;  //initialkze radius
                numSpheres++;   //increment numSpheres
        // overloaded constructor. Initialize Sphere objects’ instance variable radius(use the “this” keyword ). It also increments numSpheres by 1..
        public Sphere(double radius) 
                this.radius=radius;  //initialize radius
                numSpheres++;  //increment numSpheres
        public void setRadius(double radius) //sets Sphere objects’ instance variable this.radius to radius
                this.radius=radius;  //set radius

        public double getRadius() // returns the value of the Sphere objects’ instance variable radius
                return radius;   //return radius
        public double calculateVolume() //computes and returns the volume of the Sphere object
                return ((4.0/3.0)*Math.PI*radius*radius*radius);   //calculate valume of sphere
        public double calculateArea() //computes and returns the area of the Sphere object
                return (4.0*Math.PI*radius*radius);   //calckulate are of sphere
        public double calculateDiameter() //computes and returns the diameter of the Sphere object
                return 2.0*radius;   //calculate diameter of sphere
        // returns a String representation of the Sphere object along with the  volume and area with formatting.                                                                               
        public String toString() 
                 DecimalFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("#########.###");  //setting format with 3 decimal places
                return "radius: "+radius+" volume: "+numberFormat.format(calculateVolume())+" area: "+numberFormat.format(calculateArea())
                                +"\nnumSpheres: "+numSpheres;   //return string

public class SphereTester
//  Creates and exercises some Sphere objects.
   public static void main(String[] args)
        //Creating a Sphere object with a radius of 4.75 inches
        Sphere basketBall = new Sphere(4.75);  //in inches
        //println will implicitly/automaticlly call toString method of this Sphere object.
        System.out.println("Basketball\n----------\n" + basketBall);
        //explicitly calling toString() on eyeBall. Both will work
        Sphere eyeBall    = new Sphere(0.5);
        System.out.println("Eyeball\n----------\n"+eyeBall.toString()); //explicitly calling toString(). Both will work
        //You can create an object in two statements as shown below
        Sphere softBall;           // 1. Declare a reference variable "softBall" of type Sphere 
        softBall = new Sphere();  // operation creates object and assign its memory address to softBall
        System.out.println("Softball's radius: " + softBall.getRadius() );

        System.out.println("Softball after setting radius to " +
                           softBall.getRadius()+"\n------------------------------------" );






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