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PYTHON Basic Feature[5pts] Write a function which takes two arguments—a string (str1) and a position index...

PYTHON Basic Feature[5pts] Write a function which takes two arguments—a string (str1) and a position index (n).

The function will:

1.Remove the n-th characterof str1 (the initial character is the 0-th character)

2.Swap the order of the substring in front of the removed character and the substring afterwards, and concatenate them as a new string

3.Return the converted (str2) back to the function caller For example, myfunc(“abc1xyz”, 3) returns “xyzabc”.

Additional Features [6 pts]

Expand the function by adding more features:

4.If str2contains character @, keep all characters in front of @, store them in a new string (str3),and dropthe rest

5.If str3 has 5 or morecharacters, keep the last 5(“abcdef” => “bcdef”. If str3 has 4 characters or less, add an appropriate number of underscore character (“_”) sothat the resulting string has exactly 5 characters.

6.Return the final string back to the function caller.


Expert Solution


def myfunc(str1, n):
    #str2 is swapped substring
    str2 = str1[+1:]+str1[:n]
    #if @ is present in str2
    if '@' in str2:
        #getting substring upto @
        str3 = str2[:str2.find('@')]
        #if str3 length is greater
        #than or equal to 5 then
        #rerurning the last 5 chars
        if len(str3)>=5:
            return str3[-5:]
        #else returning _ padded upto 
        #5 chars 
            return str3+'_'*(5-len(str3))
    #if str2 doesn't have any @
    #rerurning it directly
    return str2
#sample tests
print(myfunc("abc1xyz", 3))
print(myfunc("@hello.comworld", 6))
print(myfunc("@hello.hi", 6))

Program Screenshot

Output Screenshot

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