
In: Mechanical Engineering

1. Difine the following: A. Difine a slug in terms of its fundamental units B. Difine...

1. Difine the following:
A. Difine a slug in terms of its fundamental units
B. Difine a Newton in terms of its fundamental units
C . Difine Dynamics.
D. Define kinematics. Why do we study kinematics?
F. Define "inretia" during periods of linear particle acceleration, a
E. Define "inretia" during periods of curvilinear particle acceleration
G. Define "inretia" during periods of rigid body rotational acceleration
H. Define "mass"
J. Define "mass moment of inertia"
P. Define "2nd area moment of inertia, why would we as engineers need to know suck a quantity
X. Define "1st area moment of inertia, why would we as engineers need to know suck a quantity

2. What are the fundamental SI units?
3. What are the fundamental English units?
4. How much acceleration will 1 lbf give to 1 slug?
5. What are Newton’s 3 laws of motion?
6. If A =3i +3j+4k and B= 6j-8k, what is the vector product C= A•B ?
7. What is the unit vector Uc?
8. Sketch a rectangular coordinate system, x y z, using Right Hand Rule


Expert Solution

A) slug is a unit of mass in FPS unit.

B) Newton is unit of force.dimension is MLT-2. One Newton is equivalent to the force required to move one kg of mass with one m/s2 of acceleration.

C) Dynamic is defined as the motion of any object without concerning about it's cause in terms of position,velocity etc.

D) kinamatics considers the effects of forces , torques in motion of the object. We study kinamatics to understand the effect of different forces on any object.

E)inertia is a property of mass that keeps the mass in the current state. That means is mass is moving in staright line with acceleration,it keeps mass in same state untill any external factors such as force resists it.

2) fundamental units in SI system are Kg, meter, second.

3) fundamental units in English system are slug, ft, second.

4) acceleration= force /mass

So acceleration= 1/1=1 ft/s2 acceleration will be given.

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