Write a function myfn6 which takes as inputs vector u and value a, and output as...

Write a function myfn6 which takes as inputs vector u and value a, and output as vector
w with its elements being “True, ” or “False, ”(w = [True, False, False, …, True]). Such that
“True, ” means a is in u and “False, ” means a is not in u. Test your code for u = [0, -3, 1,
1, 2, 2, 6, 2] and a = 9, a = 1 and a = 2. Copy your code together


In: Advanced Math

Let ? = {?1, ?2, ?3, … … … … ?? } ?? ? = {?1,...

Let ? = {?1, ?2, ?3, … … … … ?? } ?? ? = {?1, ?2, ?3, … … … … ?? } Prove by induction that the number of injective functions ? from ? ?? ? is ?!

In: Advanced Math

why is it a good idea to report the underlying frequencies when reporting percentages

why is it a good idea to report the underlying frequencies when reporting percentages

In: Advanced Math

Solve the initial value problem below using the method of Laplace transforms. y''+7y'+12y=-7cost-9sint y(pi/2)=1 y'(pi/2)=0

Solve the initial value problem below using the method of Laplace transforms.


y(pi/2)=1 y'(pi/2)=0

In: Advanced Math

a computer retail store has 11 personal computers in stock. a buyer wants to purchase 4...

a computer retail store has 11 personal computers in stock. a buyer wants to purchase 4 of them. unknown to either the retail store or the buyer, 4 of the computers in stock have defective hard drives. assume that the computers are selected at random.
in how many different ways can the 4 computers be chosen
what is the probability that exactly one of the computers will be defective
what is the probability that at least one of the computers selected is defective

In: Advanced Math

(a) Show that a group that has only a finite number of subgroups must be a...

(a) Show that a group that has only a finite number of subgroups must be a finite group.

(b) Let G be a group that has exactly one nontrivial, proper subgroup. Show that G must be isomorphic to Zp2 for some prime number p. (Hint: use part (a) to conclude that G is finite. Let H

be the one nontrivial, proper subgroup of G. Start by showing that G and hence H must be cyclic.)

In: Advanced Math

Q) if a fraction λ of the population susceptible to a disease that provides immunity against...

Q) if a fraction λ of the population susceptible to a disease that provides immunity against reinfection moves out of the region of an epidemic, the situation may be modeled by system
I'=βSI-α I.
Show that both S and I approach zero as t→∞.

S=The susceptible population
I=infected individuals
β=infection rate

In: Advanced Math

Find the original source where Fibonacci presented his puzzle about modeling rabbit populations. Discuss this problem...

Find the original source where Fibonacci presented his puzzle about modeling rabbit populations. Discuss this problem and other problems posed by Fibonacci and give some information about Fibonacci himself.

In: Advanced Math

prove that a ring R is a field if and only if (R-{0}, .) is an...

prove that a ring R is a field if and only if (R-{0}, .) is an abelian group

In: Advanced Math

According to the Housing Mobility section of the General Social Survey, Victoria, 2006 (ABS, Catalogue Number:...

According to the Housing Mobility section of the General Social Survey, Victoria, 2006 (ABS, Catalogue Number: 4159.2.55.001), about 1494 thousand people aged 18 years or over moved in the last five years. Of these people, 758.4 thousand moved for housing reasons, 170.2 thousand moved for employment reasons, 398.6 thousand moved for family reasons and 167.2 thousand moved for other reasons.
a. Construct a pie chart . b. Interpret your pie chart .

In: Advanced Math

Solve the initial value problem below using the method of Laplace transforms. ty''-4ty'+4y=20, y(0)=5 y'(0)=-6

Solve the initial value problem below using the method of Laplace transforms.

ty''-4ty'+4y=20, y(0)=5 y'(0)=-6

In: Advanced Math

Use either Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve the given system or show that no...

Use either Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve the given system or show that no solution exists. (Please show clear steps and explain them)

x1 + x2 + x3 = 7
x1 x2 x3 = −3
3x1 + x2 + x3 = 11

In: Advanced Math

Tiffany is a model rocket enthusiast. She has been working on a pressurized rocket filled with...

Tiffany is a model rocket enthusiast. She has been working on a pressurized rocket filled with nitrous oxide. According to her design, if the atmospheric pressure exerted on the rocket is less than 10 pounds/, the nitrous oxide chamber inside the rocket will explode. Tiff worked from a formula p=14.7e−h/10p=14.7e−h/10 pounds/ for the atmospheric pressure hh miles above sea level. Assume that the rocket is launched at an angle of αα above level ground at sea level with an initial speed of 1400 feet/sec. Also, assume the height (in feet) of the rocket at time tt seconds is given by the equation y(t)=−16t2+1400sin(α)ty(t)=−16t2+1400sin⁡(α)t. [UW]

a. At what altitude will the rocket explode?
b. If the angle of launch is αα = 12∘∘, determine the minimum atmospheric pressure exerted on the rocket during its flight. Will the rocket explode in midair?
c. If the angle of launch is αα = 82∘∘, determine the minimum atmospheric pressure exerted on the rocket during its flight. Will the rocket explode in midair?
d. Find the largest launch angle αα so that the rocket will not explode.

In: Advanced Math

please show some shortcut tricks and technique formula for integration to solve out easy difficulties questions...

please show some shortcut tricks and technique formula for integration to solve out easy difficulties questions
I would give a postive rating..if you help me a little

In: Advanced Math

Finding Surface Area In Exercises 43-46, find the area of the surface given by z =...

Finding Surface Area In Exercises 43-46, find the area of the surface given by z = f(x, y) that lies above the region R.
f(x,y)=4-x^2 R: triangle with vertices (-2,2),(0,0),(2,2)

In: Advanced Math