Please show all steps, explain in detail, write legibly y"-6y'+9y = 24t-5e3t Find the general solution

Please show all steps, explain in detail, write legibly

y"-6y'+9y = 24t-5e3t

Find the general solution

In: Advanced Math

1. How tall and wide would a single giant screen be from combining all the screens...

1. How tall and wide would a single giant screen be from combining all the screens on mobile phones in the USA?

Hint: We'll want our giant mobile phone to have the same height/width ratio as a single mobile phone.

Estimate the population of the USA. ?

Estimate the number of mobile devices in the USA. ?

Estimate the area (in meter2) of one mobile phone.

Using your answers above, estimate the area (in meter2) of all mobile phones in the USA. ?

Estimate the height (in meter) of our giant mobile phone. Use the provided hint. ?

Estimate the width (in meter) of our giant mobile phone. Use the provided hint. ?

In: Advanced Math

Let D be a lamina (a thin plate) occupying the region in the xy-plane that is...

Let D be a lamina (a thin plate) occupying the region in the xy-plane that is in the first quadrant, between the circles of radius 1 and 4 centered at the origin. Assume D has constant density which you may take as a unit value. Complete these tasks: 1. Draw a graph of D. 2. Compute the mass of D (which will be the same as the area because the density is equal to one). 3. Identify a line of symmetry in D which will help with Step 4, below. 4. Compute the center of mass of D. I recommend that you use polar coordinates. 5. Go back to your graph of D and plot the location of the center of mass you just found.

In: Advanced Math

Matrix A belongs to an n×n matrix over F. show that there exists a nonzero polynomial...

Matrix A belongs to an n×n matrix over F. show that there exists a nonzero polynomial f(x) belongs to F[x] such that f(A) =0.

In: Advanced Math

What is today's label for postulates and common notion?

What is today's label for postulates and common notion?

In: Advanced Math

please don't answer unless you can do all parts, circle answer and show work please part...

please don't answer unless you can do all parts, circle answer and show work please part


A 13 foot ladder is leaning against a wall. If the top slips down the wall at a rate of 3 ft/s, how fast will the foot be moving away from the wall when the top is 9 feet above the ground? The foot will be moving at ft/s. 2.87 (I got this but its wrong)

part 2)

Oil spilled from a ruptured tanker spreads in a circle whose area increases at a constant rate of 6 mi2/hrmi2/hr. How rapidly is radius of the spill increasing when the area is 10 mi2mi2? The radius is increasing at 9.38 (This is my answer I got and its incorrect) mi/hr.

part 3)

At noon, ship A is 40 nautical miles due west of ship B. Ship A is sailing west at 18 knots and ship B is sailing north at 15 knots. How fast (in knots) is the distance between the ships changing at 6 PM? The distance is changing at 12.17 (Again my answer but its incorrect) knots. (Note: 1 knot is a speed of 1 nautical mile per hour.)

part 4)

A spherical balloon is inflated so that its volume is increasing at the rate of 3.8 ft3/minft3/min. How rapidly is the diameter of the balloon increasing when the diameter is 1.8 feet? The diameter is increasing at 1.8 (My answer but its incorrect) ft/min.

part 5)

A street light is at the top of a 18 ft tall pole. A woman 6 ft tall walks away from the pole with a speed of 6 ft/sec along a straight path. How fast is the tip of her shadow moving along the ground when she is 40 ft from the base of the pole?


How fast is the length of her shadow increasing?


part 6)

Suppose that for a company manufacturing calculators, the cost, and revenue equations are given by


where the production output in one week is x calculators. If the production rate is increasing at a rate of 500 calculators per week when the production output is 6000 calculators, find each of the following:

Rate of change in cost =

Rate of change in revenue =

Rate of change in profit =

In: Advanced Math

what is the midline of 3-cos(x) and of 2-cos(x)?

what is the midline of 3-cos(x) and of 2-cos(x)?

In: Advanced Math

How do I design a correlational study examining the relationship of recall using ITI(inter trial interval),...

How do I design a correlational study examining the relationship of recall using ITI(inter trial interval), feedback percent, introversion/extroversion and number of digits recalled?

In: Advanced Math

definitions of weak topology and weak star topology with as little jargon as possible.

definitions of weak topology and weak star topology with as little jargon as possible.

In: Advanced Math

write down a proof of the infinitude of primes

write down a proof of the infinitude of primes

In: Advanced Math

Solve y'(0)=Ay y(0) =v A=(7,-5;10,-8) v=(2;3)

Solve y'(0)=Ay y(0) =v A=(7,-5;10,-8) v=(2;3)

In: Advanced Math

3. For each of the English statements below, do the following: i. Define propositions as necessary,...

3. For each of the English statements below, do the following:
i. Define propositions as necessary,
ii. Write the symbolic notation for the implication,
iii. Write the symbolic notation for the inverse then write in English,
iiii. Write the symbolic notation for the contrapositive then write in English.
Note: The sentences should be written in a form consistent with the original sentence. So for instance if the original sentence begins with ‘It is necessary’ the other sentences should begin with ‘It is necessary’ as well. Simplifications should be made if possible.
a) Being a right triangle is sufficient for having three sides and being a polygon.
b) It is necessary for a student to complete assignments and attend class to do well in CSE 2321.

In: Advanced Math

KL Islamic Bank entered a two-year Istisna' contract to construct a power generator for a total...

KL Islamic Bank entered a two-year Istisna' contract to construct a power generator for a total price of $600.00 commencing 1 January 2007. The following costs were estimated at the time of concluding the contract.

                     31 December 2007             31 December 2008 Total

Materials                 120,000                                   60,000                               180,000

Wages                   180,000                                  120,000                               300,000

Total                        300,000                                  180,000                               480,000

Billings were made in year for 2008 for $225,000 and the remaining balance was billed at the end of year 2008.

Following is the payment schedule that was agreed with the client of KL Islamic Bank:

Year       % of total price

2007       25%

2008       30%

2009       45%

There was a substantial increase in material cost in 2008 due to the liquidation of a major supplier for the said material. Accordingly, the bank revised its cost estimate for material to be $60,000 higher than previously planned.

The bank recognizes revenue based on the percentage of completion method.


a. prepare all necessary journal entries for the year 2007 to 2009 to record the above transactions in the books of KL Islamic Bank.

b. prepare the Statement of Financial Position (extract) and Income Statements (extract) for the year 2007 and 2008 to present tne transactions relating to the contract.

In: Advanced Math

Design a canal culvert 75 metres long to pass a normal full supply discharge of 4...

Design a canal culvert 75 metres long to pass a normal full supply discharge of 4 m3/s with 0.3m head loss. The upstream and downstream canal parameters are as given in the following. Ymax=1.40 m Vmax=0.830 m/s
Ymin=1.05 m V min =0.74 m/s
At 5 m3/s, the normal upstream depth of flow = 1.28 m,
assume a square box section DxD is to be used with a rounded entrance so that K1=0.30. if R = D/4 for a single box section

In: Advanced Math

Answer true or false for each statement and give a logically valid explanation to support your...

Answer true or false for each statement and give a logically valid explanation to support your answer (you can give a counterexample if it is false, or make a proof if it is true).

a. The multiplication of two irrational numbers is an irrational number.

b. The set {( 1−n/ n , 8n+1/ n ) |n ∈ N } is an open covering of (−1, 8].

c. The sequence {( 1−3n /n + (−1)n ) |n ∈ N } has a sub-sequence that converges to -4.

d. The sum of the Lebesgue measure of the sets A = C ∪ [−5, 1), and B = Q ∩ [4, 10] is 6, where C is the Cantor ternary set, and Q is the rational numbers set.

e. Find the inf and sup of the set A = {x ∈ R : x 2 − 4x ≤ 20 − 5x} are -5 and 4 respectively.

f. The intersection set for the following collection of intervals is open. {(−1/n − 2, 3 + 1/n), n ∈ N} .

In: Advanced Math