Solve the LP problem. If no optimal solution exists because there is no Solution Set, enter...

Solve the LP problem. If no optimal solution exists because there is no Solution Set, enter EMPTY. If no optimal solution exists because the region is unbounded, enter UNBOUNDED. Note that an unbounded region can still have an optimal solution while a bounded region is guaranteed to have optimal solutions. HINT [See Example 1.]

Maximize and minimize p = x + 2y subject to

x + y 4
x + y 10
x y 4
x y




(x, y)=



(x, y)=

In: Advanced Math

In a (2, 5) Shamir secret sharing scheme with modulus 19, two of the shares are...

In a (2, 5) Shamir secret sharing scheme with modulus 19, two of the shares are (0, 11) and (1, 8). Another share is (5, k), but the value of k is unreadable. Find the correct value of k

In: Advanced Math

let i be an interval in r, when is f said to be concave on i

let i be an interval in r, when is f said to be concave on i

In: Advanced Math

Distribute 13 indistinguishable balls in 6 distinguishable urns. What is the number of distributions in which...

Distribute 13 indistinguishable balls in 6 distinguishable urns. What is the number of distributions in which the first three cells contain together AT LEAST 10 balls?

What would be the answer if the balls were distinguishable?

In: Advanced Math

Consider the sine-Gordon equation (SGE) θxt =sinθ, (1) which governs a function θ(x,t). For any given...

Consider the sine-Gordon equation (SGE)
θxt =sinθ, (1)

which governs a function θ(x,t). For any given λ denote the following B ̈acklund trans- formation by BTλ:

θ −θx=2λsin 2(θ +θ) , (2a)

2 1
θ +θt=λsin 2(θ −θ) , (2b)

  1. (a) Given a solution θ(x, t) of the SGE, show that θ(x, t) also satisfies the SGE. Hint: Try calculating the t derivative of Equation (2a) and the x-derivative of Equation (2b) and then taking a sum or difference.

In: Advanced Math

Prove or disprove each of the following statements. (a) There exists a prime number x such...

Prove or disprove each of the following statements.

(a) There exists a prime number x such that x + 16 and x + 32 are also prime numbers.

(b) ∀a, b, c, m ∈ Z +, if a ≡ b (mod m), then c a ≡ c b (mod m).

(c) For any positive odd integer n, 3|n or n 2 ≡ 1 (mod 12).

(d) There exist 100 consecutive composite integers.

In: Advanced Math

Prove the following: theorem: every topological group is completely regular. Proof. Let V0 be a neighborhood...

Prove the following: theorem: every topological group is completely regular. Proof. Let V0 be a neighborhood of the identity elemetn e, in the topological group G. In general, coose Vn to be a neighborhood of e such that Vn.VncVn-1. Consider the set of all dyadic rationals p, that is all ratinal number of the form k/sn, with k and n inegers. FOr each dyadic rational p in (0,1], define an open set U(p) inductively as foloows: U(1)=V0 and

In: Advanced Math

The surface area of a right-circular cone of radius r and height h is S=πrr2+h2−−−−−−√, and...

The surface area of a right-circular cone of radius r and height h is S=πrr2+h2−−−−−−√, and its volume is V=1/3πr2h.

(a) Determine h and r for the cone with given surface area S=4 and maximal volume V.
h=  , r=

(b) What is the ratio h/r for a cone with given volume V=4 and minimal surface area S?

(c) Does a cone with given volume V and maximal surface area exist?
A. yes
B. no

In: Advanced Math

Let A ⊆ C be infinite and denote by A' the set of all the limit...

Let A ⊆ C be infinite and denote by A' the set of all the limit points of A.

Prove that if z ∈ A' then there is a non-trivial sequence of elements in A that converges to z

In: Advanced Math

Let A be an m × n matrix and B be an m × p matrix....

Let A be an m × n matrix and B be an m × p matrix. Let C =[A | B] be an m×(n + p) matrix.

(a) Show that R(C) = R(A) + R(B), where R(·) denotes the range of a matrix.

(b) Show that rank(C) = rank(A) + rank(B)−dim(R(A)∩R(B)).

In: Advanced Math

Consider the following linear program:    MAX Z = 25A + 30B    s.t. 12A + 15B ≤...

Consider the following linear program:

   MAX Z = 25A + 30B

   s.t. 12A + 15B ≤ 300

   8A + 7B ≤ 168

  10A + 14B ≤ 280

   Solve this linear program graphically and determine the optimal quantities of A, B, and the    value of Z. Show the optimal area.

In: Advanced Math

Hello, In your own words, please if you were to these topics Counted systems and integers...


In your own words, please if you were to these topics

Counted systems and integers

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Powers and laws of indices

Counting using the product rule

what kind of difficulties you might face when teaching these and the implications in classroom practice

how would you teach it,

why do you think it would be hard for students to learn.

I want this to be about 300 words essay.

Please answer this in essay-based format

in your own words please

In: Advanced Math

Contradiction proof conception Prove: If A is true, then B is true Contradiction: If A is...

Contradiction proof conception

Prove: If A is true, then B is true

Contradiction: If A is true, then B is false.

so we suppose B is false and follow the step to prove. At the end we get if A is true then B is true so contradict our assumption


Theorem: Let (xn) be a sequence in R. Let L∈R. If every subsequence of (xn) has a further subsequence that converges to L, then (xn) converges to L.

Proof:  Assume, for contradiction, that (xn) doesn't converge to L

**my question is that at the end we will get no subsequence of (Xnk) converges to L (Xnk is a subsequence of Xn)****

why this is contradiction? This only shows the Contrapositive side of the theorem

In: Advanced Math

show that for any two vectors u and v in an inner product space ||u+v||^2+||u-v||^2=2(||u||^2+||v||^2) give...

show that for any two vectors u and v in an inner product space


give a geometric interpretation of this result fot he vector space R^2

In: Advanced Math

How can I do a chi square hypothesis test whether the provided data follows f-distribution? I...

How can I do a chi square hypothesis test whether the provided data follows f-distribution?
I need to know how to set up the hypothesis test and how to check if the data follows f-distribution.
Thank you

In: Advanced Math