In: Physics
Answer True or False for each question. For the three questions indicated also provide a full explanation; this is likely to take at least two sentences.
1) Production of particle-antiparticle pairs ended because gamma ray energy decreased as the U expanded.
2) At the beginning, all the energy in the universe was in the form of neutrinos.
3) By t = 15 min, the Universe had cooled enough that nucleosynthesis ended.
4) In the Bottom-up scenario with Cold Dark Matter, small structures like dwarf galaxies form first.
5) It will be possible to measure all properties of a particle with perfect accuracy if our technology increases.
6) By t = 1 sec, the U contained about 25 % He nuclei and the rest H nuclei . Explain.
7) In quantum physics, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says that matter and antimatter can appear spontaneously in empty space. Explain.
8) Our U contains mass because for every 109 matter particles it created it also created 109+ 1 antimatter particles. Explain.