
In: Computer Science

Write an assembly code the counts the number of accuracies of the byte AAh in memory...

Write an assembly code the counts the number of accuracies of the byte AAh in memory from address 120Ah to address 130Ah. You need to use a subroutine and call it 'COUNT' to do so. You also need to provide the count in BCD if it was less than 64h so that you need to include another subroutine called 'ToBCD' to do so.
assembly 8086


Expert Solution




CALL COUNT ;calling COUNT procedure to count the occurance of AA


;procedure count definition
MOV AX,0 ;initialize AX with 0 for counting
MOV CX,100 ;load count into CX register[130A-120A=100].
MOV SI,120AH ;load the starting address into SI for reading the element from the memory
MOV BL,[SI] ;load the number into BL
INC SI ;point to next element in the memory
CMP AL,99H ;check the count less than 99
JNE CONTINUE ;if not 99 then continue   
CALL TOBCD ;if 99 call TOBCD procedure
CMP BL,0AAH ;compare the number loaded from memory is AA or not
JNZ SKIP ;if not AA then skip
ADD AL,1 ;if AA, then increment the COUNT in AL
DAA ;adjust to BCD after each addition
LOOP NEXT ;repeat the process


INC AH ;increment AH if the count in AL is 99
MOV AL,00 ;clear the AL count and start from 0 again

Output screenshot:

Tested with more than 100 elements Iin an array and the count is shown below

Hope this helps

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