
In: Computer Science

What is the output from each of the following segments of C++ code? Record the output...

What is the output from each of the following segments of C++ code? Record the output after the “Answer” prompt at the end of each program fragment. Assume all variables have been suitably declared. (Each problem is worth 3 points.)

1. for (int j = 8; j > 3; j -= 2)

        cout << setw(5) << j;


2. int sum = 5;

   for (int k = -4; k <= 1; k++)

        sum = sum + k;

   cout << sum;


3.   for (int k = 2; k < 5; k++)


            for (int j = 6; j < 9; j++)

                  cout << setw(4) << (k + j) << " ";

            cout << endl;



int sum = 0;

     int a = 3;

     while (a < 6)


           for (int k = a; k < 6; k++)

                 sum = sum + k;

           a = a + 1;


     cout << sum << endl;


5. int k = 0;

   for (k = 1; k <= 1; k++)                   


     for (int counter = 1; counter <= 1; counter--)

        cout << counter << endl;

     cout << " " << endl;


    cout << k << endl;


int k = 0;

for (k = 10; k < 1; k++)                     


     for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++)

       cout << setw(5) << counter;

     cout << endl;


    cout << k << endl;


Assuming all variables have been properly declared and all source code has been properly setup in a compiler, what is the output from each of the following fragments of C++ code? Record the output after the “Answer” prompt at the end of each program fragment. (2 points each)

a. int answer = 6;

    int number = 16;

    number = number + ++answer;

    cout << answer << " " << number;        




b. int answer = 16;

   int number = 6;

   number = number + answer--;

   cout << answer << " " << number;






Expert Solution



8 6 4

explaination :

Here setw() funtion in used to add width in the outptut. So setw(5) specifies the spaces between the output when it is printed



explaination : In the for loop k is iterated from -4 to 1 untill condition is met it is incremented.


8 9 10

9 10 11

10 11 12

explaination : Here there are two for loops first loop runs from 2 to 5 and 2nd loop runs from 6 to 9. In the second for loop there is print statement which returns the width of 4 units and k + j value



explaination : Here there is a while loop where a=3 < 6 loop runs untill condition is met. and inside while loop there is for loop runs from k = a to 6 and returns sum of the loop


returns garbage value and the loop runs for infinite turns



explaination : Here the for loop is not compiled because the condition in the for loop doesnot satisfy so in the for loop k is assigned to 10 so the final output is 10


7 23

explaination : Here the answer = 6 and number = 16

number = number + ++answer

here ++answer is a preincrement so first the ++answer is incremented and the following statement is evaluated so solution becomes answer = 7 and number = 23


15 22

explaination : Here answer = 16 and number = 6

number = number + answer--

whre answer-- is a post drecement so the expression is evaluated first and answer value is decremented. So the solution becomes answer = 15 number = 22

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