
In: Nursing

1. Len Kumar, age 46, is going to be immobilized for several weeks while his injuries...

1. Len Kumar, age 46, is going to be immobilized for several weeks while his injuries heal. Design an activity program to help prevent boredom and depression.

2. How would you handle the situation if a new amputee states that she has no interest in learning to wrap her stump properly?

3. How would you explain to an older patient who has had a stroke and has hemiparesis how using a walker can both protect her safety and provide more independence for her?

4. Tom King has suffered a motorcycle accident that has left him paralyzed from the waist down. What are some interventions that will decrease his risk for constipation?


Expert Solution

QUESTION- 1) Activity program to help prevent boredom and depression?


It would be hard for a individual to lay still who was actively involved in his/her day to day activities. This in turn leads to depression and boredom. Both are the terms which are also interconnected.

Depression is loss of interest in activities. Boredom in some motivates to rediscover a hobby. But boredom can become destructive over time if it's not proactively addressed. Simply boredom is the inability to find anything interesting in life. Having depression can cause existential boredom just as existential can cause depression. Both boredom and depression are psychological state experienced.

It would be hard for len Kumar to pastimes so it is good to get involve in activities which does not bore or lead to depressed state. In this condition making an effort to be active is very important. Different activities satisfy different aspects of emotional wellness. Activities like social, physical, spiritual, therapeutic etc helps in the wellness of the mood. Certain Activity plans for the patient includes:

1) Regular morning exercise has the greatest impact on boredom and depression. Light exercises that can be done in the bed itself should be selected. More than to build up our body, it should be done only to make our mind busy and away from the boredom moods.

2) Studies show that mindfulness meditation has an antidepressant effect. Meditation helps to enhance the ability to pay attention to one's body, thoughts and emotions in a non judgmental way. It also has similar idea as that of physical exercise that is it helps to build our mental muscles to become more aware and calm in the present situation. It includes activities like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises etc.

3) Proper sleep and rest plays an important role in controlling our psychological stress. It means going to bed at same time every night and waking up at roughly the same time every day. Should maintain a sleep routine, sleep in a cool and pleasant environment etc.

4) Maintaining social connection is a basic need in the states of boredom and depression. In this boring situation it will be a good opportunity to stay connected with people who make you feel more optimistic. It includes activities like having a lunch together with friends, stay in touch by phone or video calls etc.

5) When busy in work we won't be able to get involved with nature and it's beautiful environments. This situation can be used to make up that defect. Communicating with nature helps in relaxing the mind with gentle nature based activities. Activities like bird watching, enjoying early morning fresh breezes in the balcony, having a silent talk with the nature eases depression and boredom.

6) In some cases having a spiritual life alleviates the depressed moods. Studies have shown that their is a relationship of building up moods with the religious behaviors. It means involving in religious activities and prayers.

7) This time or boredom can be used to build up the patients creative activities. Involving in activities like coloring, painting, art programs or music therapy etc helps to improve the mood in a far better way. Arts and crafts has mood lifting ability.

8) Reading habits has a getter impact both to pass time and also improve knowledge. In this situation the patient will be having lots of time. So ask the patient to use it wisely by reading books. Books which are interesting to the patient should be given priority. It would be good to select books of varying moods so that the patient won't find it bored to read them.

Inspite of the above mentioned points there are many methods by which boredom and depression moods can be avoided.

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