
In: Nursing

please answer question. TYSM! Gwen is an 89-year-old female who was diagnosed with gastric cancer three...

please answer question. TYSM!

  1. Gwen is an 89-year-old female who was diagnosed with gastric cancer three months ago. Gwen has undergone chemotherapy and radiation Ann recently had surgery to remove the cancer. During the surgical procedure, the surgeon discovered that the cancer had spread to other organs. Gwen's family is having difficulty deciding treatment options. which of the following interventions are appropriate for Gwen's care?
  1. Schedule Patient for additional chemotherapy
  2. Schedule patient for additional radiation therapy
  3. Consult the palliative care nurse
  4. Discharge patient to Hospice
  1. The nurse explains to a diabetic client that which lab test is the best indicator of the client’s average blood glucose level over the past three months?
  1. Oral glucose tolerance test
  2. Random blood glucose test
  3. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
  4. Preprandial blood glucose test
  1. A nurse is caring for a patient who presented to the emergency room s/p motor vehicle accident. The patient is unconscious with a cervical collar in place. The patient has been diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone secretion. Which of the following lab values validate the diagnosis?
  1. Decrease serum sodium
  2. Increase serum sodium
  3. Decreased urine osmolality
  4. Decreased glomerular filtration rate

  1. A 40-year-old female presents to the emergency room with upper abdominal pain radiating to her right shoulder and nausea. Upon assessment the patient's temperature is 101.2 degrees Fahrenheit, heart rate 110 BPM and a blood pressure is 140/82 MM HG. Based on the patient’s presentation, which of the following do you anticipate being the patient’s diagnosis?
  1. Pancreatitis
  2. Cholecystitis
  3. Appendicitis
  4. Diverticular disease
  1. The laboratory values of a client who has diabetes mellitus include a fasting blood glucose level of 89mg/dL and hemoglobin A1C of 6%. What is the nurse’s interpretation of these findings?
  1. The client's glucose control for the past 24 hours has been good, but the overall control is poor.
  2. The client's glucose control for the past 24 hours has been poor, but the overall control is good.
  3. The values indicate the client has poorly managed his or her disease.
  4. The values indicate that the client has managed his or her disease well
  1. Which of these laboratory results would be most important for a nurse to monitor for a client with a lower gastrointestinal bleed?
  1. Hemoglobin and hematocrit
  2. Bleeding time
  3. Platelet count
  4. Potassium level
  1. A nurse is caring for a patient who was prescribed high dose corticosteroid therapy for one month to treat severe inflammatory condition. the patient symptoms have now resolved, and the patient asks when can I stop taking these medications how would the nurse respond?
  1. it is possible for the inflammation to recur if you stop the medication
  2. once you start corticosteroids you have to be weaned off them
  3. you must decrease the dose slowly so your hormones will work again
  4. the drug suppresses your immune system which must be built back up
  1. Continuous muscle spasms in a patient with hypoparathyroidism are related to which condition?
  1. Nerve damage x
  2. Seizures x
  3. Tetany
  4. Decreased potassium
  1. A nurse is performing discharge teaching for a patient who was recently diagnosed with gastritis. Which of the following should be included in the teaching?
  1. Exercise
  2. Eat three large meals each day
  3. Stress reduction
  4. Take NSAIDS as prescribed


Expert Solution



B) Schedule the patient for additional radiotherapy.

It is most important to stop the growth of other tumors. So the therapy must be done earlier for prevention of their growth and there is also other type of radio therapy that is curative radiotherapy. Curative radiotherapy can cure the tumors,used by combination of both radiotherapy, curative therapy,etc.


C) Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)

Hemoglobin A1C test is the best test to find the average glucose levels of 3months. Blood cells live about 3 months,so the test shows average glucose levels of 3 months accurately.


C) Decreased urine osmality.

Decreased urine osmality indicates the antidiuretic harmone secretion. Less than 100 mOsm/kg means complete and appropriate suppression of antidiuretic harmone secretion.


B) Cholecystitis.

This symptoms like abdominal pain,nausea, temparature above 101, etc indicates the Cholecystitis.


C) The values indicate the client has poorly managed his or her disease.

The person dies not maintain his health properly. According to the test results the person have teg effect of type 2 daibetes.


A) Hemoglobin and hematocrit.

The nurse needs hemoglobin and hematocrit tests results to monitor lower gastrointestinal bleeding.


D) The drug suppresses your immune system which must be built back up.

This drug sypresses the immune system activity so that should be built up again.


C) Tetany.

Due to hypoparathyroidism the functions of parathyroid glands will be decreased,that leads to loweted calcium levels that results in Tetany.


C) Stress reduction.

Stress increases stomach acids results in worsening of gastritis. So the nurse teach the person to choose ways for decreasing stress like yoga, meditation,etc.

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