In: Nursing
L.C. is a 76 year old female. She had a right total hip replacement 3 days ago, without any complications.
PMH- HTN and Type 2 DM. Diet- 2 Gm Na 1800 Cal ADA diet Activity- OOB with assistance;
PT 2 x/day PRN- Oxycontin 5 mg po q 4 hrs prn pain.
11 am-Your patient c/o 8/10 right hip pain. You give her oxycontin 5 mg po for pain.
1120 am- The CNA enters the room to assist with her am care. When she is finished she neglects to place the call bell within the patients reach.
1130 am- your patient needs to use the restroom and falls when she attempts to get OOB. You find the patient lying on the floor screaming in pain. Of course she fell on her newly operated hip.
1. Please include your initial assessment of the fall.
2.Your nursing interventions that you would implement after the fall?
3.Any SBAR report that you may need to give to the nursing supervisor, MD, or anyone you feel you must notify;
4. What treatment do you think will be ordered in this situation?
1.initial assessment after fall
?Assess the patient condition .
?Check vital signs.
?Assess surgical site for
Bleeding, breaking of bones, colour change, signs of blood clot, whether incision reopened or not, redness of area, tearing of dressing, drainage from surgical site etc
?Assess pain scale
?Assess other body parts for injury.
?Assessing condition of patient. And check vital signs.
?Assess the surgical site,
?If have any injury, redness, breaking of bone or other complications then inform to physician and do the care according to doctor.
?Assess the pain level, and administer medication as per doctors order.
?Provide psychological support
?Provide comfortable position.
3.In SBAR report the nurse shoul notify the things
* about fall on newly operated hip
*pain level
*the abnormal assessment results
*vital signs
4.orders may be
, *observe the patient for complication
*Pain management.
*assess the surgical area, if there is no any more complications like fracture , then proper dressing.
*give proper rest for the patient.
*if there is further fracture, or dislocation of bone, then plan for re- operation.