In: Nursing
M.P. is a 45-year-old woman who presents to the family practice for a yearly check-up.
Subjective Data
Exercises daily
Nonsmoker, never smoked
A registered nurse in hospital setting
Has two children who live at home
No complaints at this time
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 98.7 BP 108/62 HR 62 Resp 14 Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Weight: 160 pounds
Immunizations: All immunizations are up to date
Medications: No medications, multivitamin daily Allergy to
PCN = Hives
Questions: How should the nurse proceed with the physical exam?
What interventions can help make the patient more comfortable during the physical examination?
What pointers or tips can the experienced nurse give to a new nurse who wants to improve his or her technique?
What are the components of the general survey? How should the nurse perform the patient’s Head to Toe assessment?