In: Nursing
Acetaminophen was mentioned as a mild pain reliever and as a combo med with other medications. I want you to explain to me what acetaminophen is most used for. Is there a safe dosage range, if so, what is it? Any Black box warnings/ contraindications? How is this medication calculated for children ? If a patient were to ask for a PRN Tylenol and this they have regularly scheduled Norco 5/325mg Q 6 hours. Is there anything you should check before giving that PRN to ensure it is safe?
Acetaminophen with brand name Tylenol is used instead of NSAIDs to decrease the risk of bleeding and is usually for patient with peptic ulcer and hemophilia, for mild pain or fever. Another characteristic of this drug is that Tylenol and NSAIDs can be used interchangeably to reduce the fever. So if someone reaches the maximun dose of one drug can use the other one. That is why it is recommeded for a child with flu. For patients with alcohal history, it is liver toxic. So a person who abuses alcohal is a high risk client for Tylenol. Acetylcystein is the antidote for acetaminophen.
For childrens, this medicine can be calculated as Tylenol Suspension Liquid, with concentration of 160mg/5ml or 32mg/ml:
For a child with 2.5 - 5kg weight the dose is 40 mg.
For a child with 5.5 - 7.5kg weight the dose is 80 mg
For a child with 8 to 10.5 kg weight the dose is120mg.
In case of an overdose, both liver labs that are ALT and AST need to be monitored.