ANSWER: SCHIZOPHRENIA is the chronic psychiatric condition that
is characterized by disruptions in cognition, emotion, and
psychosocial and occupational functioning. It has sign and symptoms
such as ambivalence, autistic thinking, loosing in association,
incongruency and has positive nd negative symptoms. It has
different treatment modalities:
- pharmacological therapy.
- psychotherapy
- ECT electroconvulsive therapy
- Family therapy
- Voactional therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
The treatment of schizophrenia is most effective when treating
with pharmacological therapy along with other therapies. Alone
pharmacological therapy is not useful.
- antipsychotics: antipsychotics are
most useful for the treatment of schizophrenia. These medications
alter the level of neurotransmitter dopamine and thus reducing the
- antidepressant and ati anxiety drugs:
These drugs when combining with antipsychotic drugs can be more
useful and beneficial in treating schizophrenia. Nowadays we are
using, atypical antipsychotic drugs which are more useful and less
side effects medicine.
- individual therapy: The basic
principle behind this therapy is psychoanalysis, which helps to
normalize the patient's thoughts. It also help the patient to learn
about how to cope up with stress and identify early warning signs
of relapse.
- family therapy: family therapy
involves the family and try to understand their concern and
encourage them to participate in patient's care. Family therapy is
of different types that involve steps and evaluate their roles and
- social skill training: In this
patient is taught to become an independent person, how to live in
society, and skills that are useful for their living. The main
focus is to improve their communication and interaction skills in
society and the public.
- vocational rehabilitation and
employment: In this, the main focus is on making the
client independent, try to earn for their own living. In these
their capacity and strength is analyzed and then started to train
according to their interest and then provide them employment.
- ECT: Electroconvulsive therapy is
most useful for major depression, schizophrenia, and another
chronic disease. In this, the artificial mal grand seizures have
induced that influence and make changes in impulses and
neurotransmitters and hence reduce signs and symptoms of the
client. This is more useful with medications.
Other treatment modilities that can be useful are:
- social suppot
- community group
- group therapy
- recreational therapy